[][Caster][v1.0](u)(vid)(g2) Acid/Poison Witch Hunter

First of all, sorry for my english.

This is an acid/poison based guide, using occultist + nightblade. The main damage is poison and acid is just secondary. The idea is to apply as much poison damage as possible with as much duration as possible, so the enemy will die slowly even if we aren’t touching it.

Loghorrean run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf4ctEV0-NI&feature=youtu.be
Vs Commander Lucius: https://youtu.be/919uXhgK04k
Vs Shar’Zul, Harbinger of Chaos: https://youtu.be/LDZ7qV6lOIg
Vs Benn’Jahr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jjo2IEky5g&feature=youtu.be
Vs Fabius “the Unseen” Gonzar: https://youtu.be/4CFzhjGQx-g
Vs Valdaran, the Storm Scourge: https://youtu.be/GJgHMLzFtdU


  • Cleans quickly big packs of enemies.
  • High speed
  • Very high damage over time.
  • Has 3 skills to heal himself (+potions) and one protect us for 3 seconds making us invulnerable and reflecting damage.
  • No mana problems.


  • Not a lot of armor, so quite squishy.

End Gear
Weapon 1 - Runed Dagger of Dreeg + Vitriolic Gallstone
Offhand - Fiend’s Resolve + Mark of Dreeg
Head - Hood of Dreeg + Runestone
Shoulders - Mantle of Dreeg + Mutated Scales
Chest - Vestments of Dreeg + Silk Swatch
Hands - Viperfang Grips + Mutated Scales
Waist - Sash of the Immortal Sage - Bristly Fur
Legs - Nidalla’s Legwraps + Silk Swatch
Feet - Venomspin Greaves + Mark of the Traveler
Ring 1 - Ring of the Black Matriarch + Corpse Dust
Ring 2 - Ring of the Black Matriarch + Corpse Dust
Amulet - Black Gem of Dreeg + Black Tallow
Medal - Mark of Divinity + Corpse Dust
Relic - Dreeg’s Affliction

You may think the build is high deppendant on Dreeg’s set, but you don’t need to have the full set or even the set to have a powerful character. The waist is very usefull because of the resistances. Thanks to that big ammount of resistances, you can use one of Rover’s aguments (+7% Piercing Resistance and +10% Cold Resistance) in all your armor. I use Potent Outcast’s Venom (Outcast) on the weapon and offhand. Finally, I used Viloth’s Bite (Devil’s Crossing) in both rings and medal.

This build uses few skills, so it’s very comfortable and easy to play it.

Grim Dawn Calc: http://grimcalc.com/build/YKLnX90
Grim Dawn Calc with item buffs: http://grimcalc.com/build/YrimSd6

Lets comment the skills:

Offensive Skills
Curse of Frailty
Nice debuff to reduce enemy’s resistances and make them more damage. We need some points for bigger area.
Dreeg’s Infinite Gaze
It shoots eyes around us. Quickly recover skill and big radius. Very usefull to spam it. One of the main attacks of the build.
Dreeg’s Afflicted Spines
It shoots spines around us. It’s similar to Dreeg’s Infinite Gaze, but it can pass throw the enemies and deals more damage. It has also bigger cooldown.
Dreeg’s Evil Eye
Another core attack. It shoots a big eye wich explode and makes area damage. Usefull againts packs of enemies.
Shadow Strike
It deals a nice damage against one enemy, but the main reason to use this skill is that the character runs quickly to the enemy, but can’t be attacked until it makes the attack. After attack, we can use the full combo to clean the area.

Defensive Skills
Pneumatic Burst
It gives us health, speed and defense thanks to the upgrade. It has also a good recovery time.
Blood of Dreeg
It gives us health and damage thanks to the upgrade. It gives us a lot of health regen too.
Blade Barrier
Makes us invulnerable for 3 seconds. It also gives us health regen during these seconds, but we can’t move, so be prepare if the enemies are still alive atfer the effect.

Auras and Passives
Poison Aura
Small buff to our damage
Veil of Shadow
Debuff for near enemies (nice combo using curse of frailty too).
Less damage taken and buffed damage.

These are the selected devotions. After completing the important ones, I expent the remaining points in some useful devotions. Lets the the points:

  • Crossroads (+5% HP): 2 points
  • Affliction: 3 points => Veil of Shadow
  • Empty Throne: 4 points
  • Rat: 4 points
  • Akeron’s Skorpion: 5 points
  • Eye of the Guardian: 5 points => Curse of Frailty
  • Spider: 5 points
  • Tortoise: 5 points => Possesion
  • Vultura: 5 points
  • Abomination: 6 points => Shadow Strike
  • Manticore: 6 points => Dreeg’s Evil Eye

Leveling Guide
Dreeg’s Evil Eye deals a lot of damage after applying Focused Gaze. It applys cooldown to the skill so you’ll play as a nuker, using that skill and moving until it you recover the skill to use it again.

After getting Mark of Dreeg component, you get a new and very useful skill with low cooldown. Use both to easy clean packs of enemies. If you are dying a lot because you use shadow strike to get in the middle of the enemies, then get Sash of the Immortal Sage to improve resistances. You can use Vestments of the Great Guardian as Vestments of Dreeg replacement.

I used 68 points in physics and 22 in spirit.

This guide was made to play an easy and comfortable character. You don’t need a lot of skills to use and you can spam some of them quite often. Poison damage deals damage over the time, so if you have low resistances or health, just use some skills and kite until the enemy die. There’s no need to hit him all the time because the poison of the same skill doesn’t stak, just reset the timer.

This character can play crucible too. I tried challenger up to round 100 and I had no problem. I’ll try the next 50 waves.

I’ll try to make a few videos and upload them in the next days. I’ll put a few colors to make easy to read the guide.


Started levelling something like that last tuesday, but I use Venom Tipped Ammo for additional no-CD spell.

I tried it too, but Mark of Dreeg is still better in my opinion and after using shadow strike, you can use Curse of Frailty + Dreeg’s Infinite Gaze + Dreeg’s Afflicted Spines and Dreeg’s Evil Eye if needed.

There is an item for the legs wich grants “throw feces”. It lets you use the spell with no CD, but it’s too slow and the build isn’t focused on casting speed. Anyway, using skills against the dummy, I saw tics dealing 191k damage. That’s a lot. I still prefer my conjurer, but this one is better to make some runs.


Probably you’re right to do so. I’m still on normal, therefore don’t even have CoF and ofcourse not Dreeg’s Afflicted Spines, but most of the time I just rotate between DEE and Dreeg’s Infinite Gaze.

I heard this sort of build easily kills himself by reflection, is that true?

Not if you use this

I’m leveling basically the same build right now. Reflect is annoying since you get a 30+ second dot thrown back at you, but due to a combination of massive health regen from both BoD and PB and the fact that your poison resist will always be capped, you will hardly die from it. It disables your regeneration but that’s about it from my experience.

I just looked at the grim calc, and have one question. Why are you overcapping curse of frailty, vulnerability, and aspect of the guardian? The ultimate levels have horrible scaling, so wouldn’t those points be better used elsewhere?

The main attacks are not influenced by the skill points, except Dreeg’s eye, so I tried to maximize the buffs and debuffs. You can put some points in Vile Eruption, but the damage won’t increase too much.

If they reflect the damage, you still have 2 skills to restore your health partialy, potions and blade barrier. After using blade barrier, you’d be able to use pneumatic burst again and another potion. I hadn’t big problems against reflected damage (just a few ones). The most common enemies reflecting poison are knight squeletons. Be ready when attacking them. They will reflect just one of the attacks, so use the weakest poison attack you have and you won’t have problems against them.

Remember that all your items give you poison damage, but poison resistance and that will help you survive that reflected damage too.


Video vs Nemesis, Sharzul, etc? I would like to see how well you deal with these given your health/da. I have about 1k more hp and a lot more DA on my ‘squishy’ setup

Like I said in other thread more OA! :smiley:

Let me several days. I rushed the character a little and I’m not hatted too much by the different factions, so I need time to be hated (can only see the Ch’thonic nemesis at this moment, but didn’t see it yet).


Vs Commander Lucius: https://youtu.be/919uXhgK04k

Vs Shar’Zul, Harbinger of Chaos: https://youtu.be/LDZ7qV6lOIg

Vs Benn’Jahr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jjo2IEky5g&feature=youtu.be

I don’t know if he can kill me with one attack, but BoC takes me more time than other runs, so I wanted the reward so I killed without taking any risks.

Videos added to the index


Out of curiosity, what’s your DEE tooltip damage? Do you feel that you miss attacks due to low OA?

Running a similar build but with substantially more OA coming from judicators, girdle of stolen dreams, basilisk claw (DW with dreeg’s set weapon) and homestead gloves. With judicator’s buff it’s upwards of 3100 OA. Went full physique so hp sits around 8.6k at level 78.

Sorry but I don’t underestand your first question (I’m not english speaker).

There isn’t any problem about missing one attack because the attack is usually a combo. I usually start with shadow strike (except against some bosses). I put it out to prevent a missclick) and then I use Curse of Frailty + Dreeg’s Infinite Gaze + Dreeg’s Afflicted Spines + Dreeg’s Evil Eye. This means that normal enemies will take any of the attacks and die. If not, Dreeg’s Infinite Gaze has 2,5 seconds cooldown. Bosses are even easier because Dreeg’s Infinite Gaze and Dreeg’s Afflicted Spines shoots several eyes/spines and the boss will take a few.


No problem.

I was wondering, when you put your mouse pointer on top of the Dreeg’s Evil Eye (DEE) skill, how much damage does it show if you only have auras and Blood of Dreeg active?

In my case it DEE deals around 32k:

I’m asking because if spells are not missing even with such a low OA then it might be worth it to trade OA for more damage.

Ok, here it is:


This looks like a lot of fun! Any chance we could get a step-by-step of devotions while leveling? The guide seems to suggest Affliction first, which is… not possible.

My first objective was Abomination. It required:

  • Green Crossroad
  • Red Crossroad
  • Rat
  • Spider
  • Eye of the Guardian
  • Akaeron/s Skorpion
  • Vulture

To get Affliction you will nedd:

  • Purple Crossroad
  • Empty Throne

Manticore gives you 1 green point, so you can put away the green crossroad and keep Abomination up.

Finally, you can get the yellow crossroad and get the turttle.

I think I did it in that way.


PD: I’ll upload 2 more videos today (or 1 at least). One is versus Fabius and the other one versus the aether nemesis (need to find him).

Thank you so much! Really enjoying the build so far.

These are the last videos of this character:

Vs Fabius “the Unseen” Gonzar: https://youtu.be/4CFzhjGQx-g
Vs Valdaran, the Storm Scourge: https://youtu.be/GJgHMLzFtdU


Thanks for the guide, I’ve been looking for an updated poison-based Witch Hunter build so this will work perfectly. :smiley:

My only concern would be the survivability. I have to wonder if there’s a way to considerably up the survivability without sacrificing too much of that sweet DPS. I’m only level 17 so I might try a slightly different devotion route. On a related note, I feel like I never see anyone using Behemoth anymore after the offensive devotions got buffed. :confused: