[] Conjurer - The Sigilist - HC Gladiator Ready

Also what the buffed OA in your biuld? In retaliators it is somewhere 2400 I think, at least I have around 2400, but I built totally facetank version, not caster.

Sorry if this is considered a necro. All I want to know is what devotion skills should I shoot for FIRST? I don’t want to screw up, and go leveling up the wrong devotion skills. Thanks.

I’d say to go for Panther into Gallows. Panther has some good OA on it and some utility stats to let you coast through the first difficulty without needing to worry about much. Gallows will help keep your damage consistent between gear pieces until you settle on a stable set of Vitality gear.

After that, I’d go for Vulture->Hawk->Behemoth, and then clean up everything else in whichever order you choose.

Thanks a lot, Ceno!

Just wanted to say I used this guide for an earlier character and had a real blast, Fevered Rage is just hilarious :smiley:

I did change the devotion setup to include Hungering Void because it really felt like heresy not to: http://grimcalc.com/build/1006-6Hw18e

Only two deaths I got while clearing the game were one from aether floor because I realised too late there was still a green wisp thing blocking the way past a corner, and the Amalgamation in Ultimate that just murdered me with Fevered Rage on because I didn’t have the MoD blueprint at the time.

Gonna try this one out. Seems really cool!

What does the stat distribution look like?

I just starting playing this build again. Curious about stat distribution as well.

Pretty sure it’s around 82/8 Physique/Spirit. I’ve since deleted the character in my latest savefile purge, so I can’t actually check, but that seems about correct.