[][CT Sorcerer] Gladiator Solo 100-150 no potion buff. Facetank maiden + fabius/valdaran etc.

Legendary - Aldanar’s Vanity: proc cooldown increased to 16s
Legendary - Fateweaver’s Leggings: reduced Resist bonus from the skill proc
Giant’s Blood: reduced Health Regeneration to 228 by max rank
Healing Rain: reduced % Health Regeneration to 35% by max rank
Devastation: increased Target Radius to 6. Overall, Devastation is a little too effective as a single-target killer, so this will spread its damage out a bit more over a larger area, maintaining its intent as an aoe skill while slightly reducing its single-target potential.

Looks like we got special highlight this nerf.
UPDATE V1.0.0.7
DPS upped by 10k. From 12k DPS to 22k DPS :smiley:

OFF got reduction in damage because 50% of the conversion got reduced.

Devotion : extra 8% MS.

Masteries : Ulzuin’s wrath little buff. More armor from Temper. Fabric Reality got flat damage aether and chaos yeay. OFF and AZ Nerf but doesnt really matter.
Will play a bit with the skill point later on.

Overall i would say this is a buff.

Fall of Valburg (?) the new dungeon doesn’t pose any threat to this build. The map is confusing though. Will add a video about it later.

Most of the time spent is to look for the actual way to progress. So skip ahead bit by bit xD.

Tested decreasing flashbang and maxing Fabric of reality, turned out only gain 1.5-2k dps.

I’d prefer -270 DA instead of 2k dps imo.
UPDATE V1.0.0.6
New Medal. Black star of deceit.

Changes to Iskandra Hood, Iskandra Vestment, Aetherreach, Wraithwalker and medals.

Overall, Black Star of Deceit’s proc and %chaos damage for agrivix and it’s own proc.
A +3% Health.

+25% Stun resistance. (No more stupid stun)

A bit up and down in resist, but nothing much.

If your resist is somehow different, it should be because of the rolls. In this case, you can use Kymon’s Badge again to complement the resist, or hope for a better roll.

but, a ±5% difference shouldnt matter i think.

Just saw the Wrath of Agrivix Set, but I don’t plan to change to it. Ulzuin’s Wrath is a waste of points on this build, and I prefer 20% physical resist.


[] (u) (vid) (g4) (Melee, Caster) Gladiator Callidor

Damage : Fire, Aether

Active Skills : Callidor Tempest, Chaos Strike, Flashbang, Blackwater Cocktail, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Devastation, Bloodthirster

Passive Skills : Flame Touched, Reckless Power, Vindictive Flame, IEE, Iskandra’s Unity, MSoP

WPS : None[/b]

Character Sheet http://imgur.com/a/q3yqX

Equipment :
Warpfire - Riftstone - Essence of Cthon
Aldanar’s Vanity - Haunted Steel - Creed Cunning
Iskandra Focusing Prism - Focusing Prism - Cairn’s Hope
Iskandra’s Vestment - Kilrian Shattered Soul - Venomguard
Iskandra’s Pauldron - Scaled Hide - Kingsguard
Iskandra’s Hood - leathery hide - Bladeward
Aetherreach - antivenom-salve - kingsguard
Wraithwalker - Antivenom Salve - kingsguard
Fateweaver’s Leggings - Scaled Hide - Kingsguard
Albrecht Duality - Mark of Illusions - Cairn’s Hope
Band of eternal Haunt - Mark of Illusions - Kymon’s Will
Phantom-Thread Girdle - Antivenom Salve - Kingsguard
Black Star of Deceit - Black Tallow
Agrivix Malice

Attribute : 90 Physique.

Grimcalc without Bonus. No devotion


Grimcalc with + Bonus and devotion


Devotion Guide :
+Crossroad Chaos (1/1)
+Viper (4/4)
+Crossroad Eldritch (1/1)
+Hawk (3/3)
+Crossroad Primordial(1/1)
+Behemoth (6/6)
+Crossroad Order (1/1)
+Lion (3/3)
+Tortoise (5/5)
+Eel (3/3)
+Dryad (5/5)
+Sailor’s Guide (4/4)
+Widow (6/6)
-Viper (0/4)
+Lizard (3/3)
+Tree of Life (6/6)
-Crossroad Order(0/1)
-Crossroad Eldritch(0/1)
+Obelisk of Menhir (3/7)
+Scale of Ulcama (1/6)

Video Gladiator 100-150 solo no pot buff. Facetank Maiden + valdaran on 150. (Loot Preview of Gladiator 150 on ending) (6th spawn)

If you guys notice on Igorr fight, and Sentinel Sharzul, they seems to regenerate very fast. Is it the mutator ? Longest fight of my life.

Gameplay :

LMB as Callidor and Flashbang as RMB.
Nullification on any mobs that have Supporter, Shielded, etc to get rid of the troublesome buffs.
Chaos Strike for moving in and out combat, for example, escaping from Moose (You won’t need to though.)
Spam Blackwater Cocktail on every mob that do huge physical damage like Hulk, Sharzul, etc.
Mirror for panic button. If your health decrease quickly, use it.
Devastation and callidor as main damage, while spamming flashbang.
Activate bloodthirster on huge fight like facetanking fabius + valdaran at once or maiden. (I rarely use it though…)

Consideration :

I was using Screams of Aether before switching to Albrecht Duality. Because I think the 5% chance of 50~% cooldown is too good to pass. Not to mention Agrivix Chaos damage would get converted to Aether as well I guess.

Medal can be switched to Mark of Anathema and adjust the resistance accordingly.

Leveling Guide TLDR :

Attachment: GLADIATOR.jpg

Very nice, mr.t3k did this on stream a couple of months back glad to see people are catching on :slight_smile:

Care to elaborate ?

you can put a guide points devotion?


Edit : Done.

Thank your for the build !
Im planning to build this toon for farming legendaries in crucible.

Did you kill the Avatar of Modrogen?

I tried once, before the changes to the build.

Failed with his one-shot skill.

I’ll try later again with more preparation.

For now, he’s off the list.

Thank you for the quick reply.
I just want the Sorc for crucible. Just curious about the avatar :slight_smile:

Think I may do the same, I wanted to make a caster class.

*Updated the equipment. I forgot Iskandra Hood there.

The Kymon Badge can be acquired from Strange Wares on Blood Grove. It’s a hidden shop.

This looks like a sweet build, nice guide!

How did you go about leveling this? Did you respec from another build or did you just level it from 1 to 85 as it currently is?

For leveling, OFF is superb for mob control. You can use Searing Ember for leveling as well. Keep leveling mastery until you got Devastation for boss killing or large mob.

Also, I’ll update the build after I see the changelog.

Thank you very much, I’ll be looking forward to the update as well, glhf!

Ok. I have seen the changelog. Actually, we got a buff due to Albrecht and Band of eternal haunt buff. Yay !

We should be able to get more dps :smiley:

Medals might change in this case. I got to check the new suffix prefix later on.

Overall, we got buffed. :wink:

Updated to, More DPS and more survivability.

can you post the skills asigned to devotion skills pls?

Callidor’s Tempest - Arcane Bomb
Flashbang - Dryad’s Blessing

The rest is passive.

Hi, and thanks for the guide. Have you any suggestions for a replacement weapon? I don’t have warpfire yet.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Anything with fire and aether damage i guess.


First off - This build is awesome. I just respec’d my toon to this and had a couple questions.

  1. I’m level 40 - Can you give me a leveling guide order for skills? Like a 15, 20, 30, 40, 50+ Range?

  2. What Dmg type should I focus? Fire?

  3. Itemization for leveling? What should I be looking for?

I realize these are noonish questions, but I am fairly new to the full release. (Played a stupid amount of the game 2 years ago)