[] The Crawling Chaos - Transmuted Aether Ray Warlock

I am only level 30 right now, but once I applied “tainted power” to convert aether to chaos damage, I lost ~5k dps. I am not sure why, but I think it has to do with % physical damage converted to aether/fire damage, or +% aether/fire damage?
How about flat +aether, +fire and +chaos damage? Does +% chaos damage work as well now? I am very uncertain how the mechanics work here and what pieces of gear to look out for now, hope someone can enlighten me. Thank you!

Edit: okay I tested it, fire damage always stays the same:

Albrechts aether ray without tainted power (1772 pure aether damage)
Albrechts aether ray with tainted power (1070 pure Chaos damage)

any ideas?

The % damage that is local to the skill will apply before conversion. Any % damage on gear, passives, devotion, etc will be applied after the conversion. Taking tainted power means you now scale aether ray with % chaos damage instead of % aether damage.

thanks for the quick reply, so I have to looks out for +% chaos damage and +% physical converted to chaos damage now, if I understand correctly?

EDIT: tested something else - I still had reckless power in use but the + flat aether damage and +% aether damage is not converted into chaos as you mentioned. Obviously the Aether Aura from a Wrathstone doesn’t do anything anymore either. Actually I think at my level it might be too early to make the jump from Aether to Chaos. Right now I am loosing too much, unable to compensate it.

As far as i understand the conversion mechanic, +dmg% from skills are applied before conversions.

That means, possession will do nothing for this build!

You should take reckless power instead.

Any chance of this being updated ??

Oh my, this topic. I deliberately stopped updating it because people kept criticizing irrelevant details, and it was a pain to respond. I did, however, keep updating it for myself personally. The biggest difference now is that I have traded excess energy regeneration for more offense. Note that you will never be a tank with this build. You’re going to take damage. Sustainability is provided by excellent healing, not just damage reduction. Remember to use Ritual Circle to help you endure enemies with high physical damage. I will post the Grimtools link for you to use. Go have fun!


Maybe I’ll update the main post now that you got me thinking about it. Maybe. Although, with recent additions of run speed to the various devotions, this character is now at the run speed cap, and is no longer the “crawling” chaos, lol.

Yes, I still have the points in Solael’s Witchfire/Second Rite, gawd. Before you people start tearing me apart, right now I need the point in Second Rite to reach the Vitality resistance cap.

Well criticisms help a build grow imo and I didn’t notice anyone being insulting when presenting their arguments. I am not sure how much good DB does on an AAR build since AAR is a single target skill in itself to manage crowds imo Wrath of Agrivix might be better


ToL for energy sustain^
OA and DA is still low in the setup I theorycrafted though, to fix that you can remove points from Hungering Void and get three nodes of LoE
If you don’t want to just focus on AAR and just want to clear stuff as fast possible then Squeezing in Time Dilation by sacrificing ToL is an option

Or even this for more fire to chaos convention.

Why the heck did they put Necro bonuses instead of Inquisitor or Demo bonuses

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn’t mean the posts here were insulting. Just annoying. I appreciate your feedback. I see your proposal only has Tree of Life for healing. Is that really enough? I always found Tip the Scales to be quite effective with all the Vitality boosts the set provides, and the constellation also has good energy regeneration. I wonder how effective that setup would be, though I do realize that my current build’s offensive ability is quite low. I just wasn’t happy with any alternatives I thought of in the past.

On a side note, I agree that the Necromancer bonuses are baffling. I always thought it would make more sense if the bonuses were for Flames of Ignaffar instead.

I am no AAR expert, I have more playtime with Conflagration (Don’t ask), Obliteration and Drain Essence than I have with AAR :smiley:
So like I said it’s just theorycrafted, I do however think that ToL is extremely good for energy sustain for laser builds
And Tip the Scales is an underrated proc but I can’t squeeze it in w/o loosing something important, and if I had to squeeze a devotion in it’d be Aeon rather than Scales of Ulcama

And yes FoI bonuses would indeed solve Deceiver’s chaos ray problems

Nice, I am making a similar build now. Question, how do you make it until you can get to Aether Ray/Tainted Power? I mostly built my warlock around Dreeg’s Evil Eye and Bloody Pox and just poured skill points into Arcanist until I got to level 20, then I could use Void Bolts or whatever they are called that gives Chaos Bolts as a left-click skill. They consume a lot of energy but I am getting to the Warden and the bolts usually one-shot everything so far.
Also, devotion-wise, wouldn’t the ultimate goal of any Chaos/Vitality build would be Dying God? Just wondering why you did not go in that direction. Also, the Chaos arm of Abomination.
I do wonder whether I want to incorporate Sigil of Consumption, given how that skill is only good for melee if the enemy actually kindly stops running and stands in it. I have a Cabalist who uses it to great effect, I could facetank the Loghorrean with the sigil easily. But for a caster, I think the Ritual Circle the set gives you should be enough. Of course, will take me ages to complete this set, only ever found the blueprint for the helm…
I’m thinking of rather using Doom Bolt as a right-click skill for area damage/boss killer. I see the set - the mythical version - gives bonuses to devastation, however only converts 25% of the Aether damage to Chaos sadly. Any way to convert more of it?
I dunno why you gave so many points to Olexara’s Flash Freeze, as it does cold damage, something this build doesn’t do. For protection, I’d rather add those into Mirror of Ereoctes. Also, Fabric of Reality adds some nice passive chaos damage, worth at least one point or more. Frankly, 12 points into that skill gives +100% Chaos, while the same into Second Rite only 85% and it has to be toggled, draining mana. It also gives you energy leech %… though not sure how you can get such damage, maybe with items?

Also not sure why so many posters ignore the Vitality aspect of this build… the Tainted Power Aether Ray, due to its secondary modifier skill, does Lightning 100% converted to Vitality. And in my experience I think monsters got a high vitality resistance because even with that, Vitality somehow does a LOT of damage. I found that going through Veteran with a melee Chaos/Vitality Cabalist was a breeze, especially while standing in a Sigil of Consumption I could heal more than the enemy could do damage.

goddammit i read that first line as “with the release of 1.0.7” and immediately pooped my pants