[] The Wendigo - Fevered Rage Vitality Conjurer and Hardcore God

Hi everyone!

I found this build very enjoyable and im wondering if someone more experienced at the game could suggest how to progress this build to expansion. Just upgrade all pieces of suggested gear to higher lvl versions while putting attributes according to gear demands or does AoM provide new/better/alternative gear?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hey man, i beat the xpack with a similar build without Fevered Rage.
I dislike Rattosh, because you need to many points for this devotion, but you need these points to get more defense. The Manticore is ok and have more -Resist than Rattosh.

I like the idea to use the LD set to push storm totems :slight_smile:
The Damage is amazing with it.

my build with lvl 97 in the moment:

I agree I hope somebody would add a leveling guide and skill rotation to this guide. That would be very helpful to us rookies !! Thanks!!

I was thinking to try this build but it has 21 points in skills unused. Is that bcos it has not been updated since before xpac? Also 5 devotions where shd they go? Could get Giant Blood and attach to Mogdrogen Pact but then still got 2 point leftovers.
Or scorpion sting bind it to wendigo (not solael).

And why curse of frailty more than 1 point when damages are not the ones used by this caster?