[] The Night King: Pet/Vitality Hybrid Cabalist. 5s MQ, 3.5m Glad. Necro & Devotion Guides


This is huge. Very informative. Thanks.

I’d like to add that focus on cdr and resummoning might be the wrong way crucible-wise unless one decides to try no-blessings.

Unstable Anomaly is also IMO hugely underwhelming in a skeleton build as BF requires targeted summoning, his wind-up takes about 3 seconds plus one second till he starts dealing damage - having 2 BFs (Blight Fiends not boyfriends) sometimes doesn’t make up for these cons IMO as their taunt is not reliable enough for them to serve as damage sponges. Maybe with Nature’s Guardian…? Mind to comment?

I also find that spamming Ravenous Earth for damage reduction kind of contradicts your philosophy of staying out of aggro for the sake of DPS. I tend to hold back on RE when fighting Iron Maiden or Fabius (sometimes even hold back on CoF just to be safe). Is it the right strategy?

its 2019 now, and sadly I can’t bind Arcane Bomb to Summon Blightfiend anymore… seems to have been removed from game. Any suggestions for alternative constellations?

If if remember this build right (gt in op doesn’t open for me, sorry), I would do this: bind the bombs to Ravenous Earth, get rid of Bat and get Fiend to keep devotion points even, bind Fiend to skeletons and the archer to Blight Fiend.


Pick up Witching Hour and join the party.

EDIT: I did open that gt at last. Yeah, this build is outdated. Choose the second option. Or at least get some Blight Burst for those Blight Fiends.

Why not both? WH ranged weapon AND BB for the fiends :slight_smile:

Because then you get this http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80282 and not the lightning cabalist based on cdr and pet numbers (which was the original concept of DaShiv’s). But yes, it’s a thing.

I’m very new but love this game so tell me…

Witching Party build that you linked or try to make this build work some how?

If sticking with the current build should I be choosing those constellations you mention AND using blight burst?

You seem to misunderstand DaShiv’s post. The point he is trying to make is that taking charge of how aggro is managed (AKA, playing an active build) is important because doing so gives you an idea about how your target will behave - whether that target will go after you regardless of the presence of your pets (which some mobs do), whether the target likes to just stand there and attack your pets, etc.
Being passive here basically amounts to hiding in a corner while hoping to god that mobs don’t decide to attack your character… because a lot of GD players used to play Necromancers in a certain very popular hack-and-slash RPG called Diablo 2 and that was what they mostly did (and what they expect to be doing).
There was no taking advantage of a “burst phase” or anything like that, the general gameplay of these builds boiled down to “unleash pets, pop cooldowns willy nilly, run around, wait for loot”. Obviously that’s exactly not the type of gameplay you’re advocating, either.

Your rather novel approach (attacking a target during a burst phase and then “regrouping”) is ultimately still an application of what DaShiv is saying. You know how the mob is going to behave, so you take charge and react accordingly. There’s a reason why he encourages playing smart as a corollary of being active.

As far as flat damage goes, one of the reasons for that is DaShiv liked to play hybrid pet builds. That was actually what many of his builds amounted to. Obviously a pet build that basically revolves around using pets as a kind of omega-Doombolt (high CD, high burst ultra-nuke) is going to have very different priorities.

I’m currently leveling a Cabalist (lvl 58 and first character) and following this guide for skills and devotions. I realize this is probably not very up to date but it’s by far the best guide I’ve found for leveling. So should I keep following it or does anyone have a better up to date leveling build?

I am in the exact same dilemma… :o

Occultist > focus on Familiar > Grab Skeletons > Max out the Occultist skills > complete the Necro part.

Awesome. And also the same devo tree in your first post?

Hm? I am not the author of this build. Unless you are talking about my Pet Cabalist…

Oh didnt see you werent the author. My buddy Malawiglenn told me you had an awesome guide. I looked it through but due to my stupidity the skill leveling isnt as much in detail like this guide. Dont know if it matters much.
I am using your devo tree btw. Just dont know what to put into the nodes. I just put in what i had in them

I tend to avoid making detailed guides because I haven’t level’ed a build in a long time and don’t want to spread misinformation. Hence why it is a bit too compact.

For the Skills part, this guide might be a bit of help. It is also a bit out of date and is for a Conjurer rather than a Cabalist, but is a good read regardless. You could follow the Occultist part until where it asks you to go for Shaman, atleast.

As for the devotion procs, if you are following the one from my Budget guide, you need to assign Assassin’s Blade to a pet since it only procs on crit and our crit chances are low.

Tsunami is also best bound to a pet, a melee one at that, so not Familiar.

Elemental Storm can be bound to a player skill like Bloody Pox or Curse of Frailty, or to another pet, Familiar being the best choice here.

Shepherd’s Call has alot of options like Bloody Pox, Curse of Frailty, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Bone Harvest, Ravenous Earth etc.

Ishtak and Tree of Life should be assigned to Toggle Skills.

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Thanks Maya :slight_smile:

Me atm. Maybe something is off but it work ok’ish.
Beginning to miss skills to put in nodes.

Wow i never see the complex build like this :0 So great

Note that the build is out of date by about 3 years and countless patches :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is what happens if you play necro, you resurrect old threads!


Hahaha :> that nice joke