[] 2H Ultos Elementalist

you have thermite mines bound to Hand of Ultos? :confused: Was that a mistake?

Could be wrong but I don’t think thermite mines can crit…

As x1x1x1x2 pointed out to me as well, thermite mines have 0 weapon damage as well. So you’d be wasting the 24% WD component in chain lightning.

Do mines count as pets that scale off player damage bonuses?

In any case Hand of Ultos should probably go on primal strike.

For mor tankines

I would do like this:

Savagery not gretest choice for arcane bomb since doesn’t have aoe dmg, Ps is best for it since bomb can appear on each torrent. All know now feral hunger is beast and with gloves u have 50% hp leech. If u use Brue force with savagery it’s must to max out feral hunger. Pick up soft capped wendingo help more.

U don’t have to max out PS line since u using every 3 sec.

trying out this build now i like it :slight_smile: