[] Bazuka - Mage Hunter PRM 170+

Hi guys! I want to shared my RPM build :slight_smile:
Link to GrimTools https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN48omlN
Build use standard items – full Invokers sets and 3 parts lights guardian sets.
Main dmg: Lightning/Eloctrocut


Hello Akdong! is that you? Let me remind you that you already posted this build:p


but thank you again for reminding us for such a good build:cool:

Nah, that guy was Chinese, this guy is Russian.

BTW, that’s a strange choice of boots. You could do much better with those boots/pants combo

Hey, that’s a solid PRM build. And Gladiator capable.

Hi, I’m not Akdong :slight_smile:
In build with your link orher boots, medal and pant + slightly differense devotion

boots+medal for survival in crucible, but i think better change medal to direwolf

Hey, nice to see you here! My conratulation with the first build thread. :wink: