[] Hybrid Poison/Blight Fiend Cabalist

get your blight friend today!

I always was exited about pet hybrids cause i think that just such a cool concept. I dreamed about Necro mastery it was just what i need to start tinkering with hybrids. With AOM exp we got quite a few hybrid equipment pieces and some of them gives to our pets + us acid/poison damage, so i decided to go with that.

Grimtools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62awvQxZ

Character sheet

with constant auras and Blood of Dreeg


  • 3 blight fiends at the same time
  • quite tanky
  • can do all main game content ( ravager and mog untested but i dont think build can kill them, further tweaks required)
  • so.much. GREEN.
    -can clear 150 cruci( with buffs)


-cant clear 170 cruci (maybe cause i just bad at cruci dont play it at all)
-requires some rolls on crafted items to get resists


Mad Queen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTrAqhDOpDE

I can make more vids if needed


I think that Hat and Gloves are definitely BiS and without them build is going to loose a lot of its damage.


I`m still tweaking/changing stuff around but all in all i am quite happy with the result. If you have any suggestion on how to improve build feel free to write them.

Reserved just in case

Achievement unlocked!
Tons of DPS
Make a character with 0 DPS

Sorry, I had to.

Great build!
Two questions though: why didn’t you take Murmur? And have you tried the eye of the guardian constellation on your blight fiends? Scorpion sting DA reduction does not stack with rotting fumes, and the cooldown is also 1.5 seconds so I believe Guardian’s Gaze might be superior.

(also the mythical serpentine wraps might be better boots because every point into BoD gets better than the previous point invested).

Yeah Murmur is definitely going to be great dmg wise, but i choose more tanky devotion route with Ishtak and tree of life, its just fits for my playstyle. For this reason i also picked Scorpion to meet my goal in devotions and pick those two t3 constellations.
Also about boots i prefer this boots cause entrapment resist quite handy in cruci.


How important do you think Mogdrogen’s Ardor is for your build? If you’re willing to rearrange the skillpoints, I personally love combining the Grey Magi boots with the Bysmiel’s Domination relic - that way you have a near permanent >=15% Physical Resistance increase (12 sec uptime and only 3 second downtime if the procs are synced well) and the pet speed increase is huge for temporary pets like the Unstable Blight Fiends.

Great job with clearing Gladiator 150. It’s great finally seeing the Dreeg mace being used to its full potential. I had a question about its proc - is it one of those that centers on your character when it activates? Or does the proc activate at your opponent’s location. Considering it’s meant for DEE casters, I’m hoping its the latter.

Thanks! I totally forgot about that relic whe i get home im definitely gonna test it i think i can reallocate some points to compensate for it. As for mace proc i dont relly know never thought that it centered around character, gonna test that too.

I don’t think DEE is doing anything for you, it’s damage is too low. One Blight fiend can crit for like 60k
Only then are enough to 150 crucible and I did it with 2200DA without a shield.

Yeah it’s not much I saw only 40k poison ticks on dummy, but that what makes this build a hybrid. Even without pets it can still do something and getting that feeling was really important at least for me. Ofc you can drop DEE but then it’s just gonna be another fullpet build.

I forgot to ask you before - how much of a difference does the Necro Conduit with the Blight Fiend modifier make compared to another amulet? I’ve found the pet Conduits to be weak (outside the amazing choice in resistances, that is), but you claim that the Conduit is BiS.

Would you give any recommendations on if the Conduit needs to be improved?

The only items that I think is BiS is Gloves( for that juicy 10% of flat poison) and hat for -cd to Blight Fiend. I still dont know about amulet though. Ive tested soveren rubi( only on dummy) and its was not so impressive for some reason, i only got few seconds on kill time.

Also i tried that epic amulet for 2 poison bugs. And oh boi do they suck! The amounts of damage that they deal is just painful to watch. They definitely need some work. Like maybe if they were just suicide bombers that leave after death poison pools with dmg similar to blight fiend death ability, then maybe.

As for conduit itself I use it cause of its amazing resists and +1 to necro. Mod is just I dont know. It says that Blight Fiends gain additional Taunt, but its just dont work sometimes. Even with Ishtak they fail to hold aggro. So I dont know really.

Also I tried Bysm domination relic. It`s good kill times improved a bit, but I had a feeling that my char became a little more fragile for some reason.

Considering you’re using the 100% Physical to Acid conversion on Blight Fiends, you’ll get a good deal more DPS out of them if you replace Scorpion, Lizard, and Crane with Bull, Raven, and Lion. Bull’s converted Poison has a much higher base value than Scorpion (150 Poison / sec vs 72 Poison / sec), your extended Poison duration is very useful for extending the higher base damage since the duration of Bull is much shorter, and more importantly, Bull’s cooldown is 3 times faster than Scorpion Sting’s and the AoE radius is larger. You still get to keep Tree of Life by replacing those devotions, so the only thing you’re missing out on is some resistances from Crane and Health Regen from Lizard, but the trade-off should be worth considering.

Thanks for your input! Maybe later Ill try to do it, now I quite burnt with GD. Ill let you know how this will perform.

For leveling (before you get the helm) could it be possible to shuffle things around to get time dillation?

Hi there. I leveled my char without time dilation it`s was fine. You can keep 2 Blight fiends around with some cdr(like 19% from off-hand, 6-7% from ammy etc.)