[] Morimhira, the Rageful - 2H Fire Savagery Vindicator, Gladiator farmer (under 8 minutes)

no macros and no top1 single target damage, just 3,5 Sacred Strikes out of 10, sorry

Bumping this message because it will not be seen otherwise.

I killed Ravager of Flesh with this build. Took 2:30.



I can live with that :rolleyes:

This build accepted the A Call to Arms challenge.

No buffs, 1 banner, easy run.


  • Epic - Elemental Balance Set: removed % Weapon damage from the skill proc, reduced Fire and Cold damage bonuses to 9
  • Epic - Elemental Harmony Set: reduced % Weapon damage on the skill proc to 8%, reduced Fire and Cold damage bonuses to 14
  • Maelstrom: reduced Lightning damage scaling with rank, particularly at ultimate ranks
  • Ulzuin’s Torch: reduced Burn damage to 18

How will influence these nerfs combined with the rest of the 1.1.0 changes the viability of this fun build?

Nothing changed really. This build was a beast in and keeps its potential. Few percents of lost damage output doesn’t change the overall picture.

What are those red and blue lines circling around you when you’re killing mobs?

I think its the elemental harmony set proc (the rings)

I thought the build would melt everyone most of the times even without the cowl, the rings set and the relic (I’ve crafted Iskandra’s because I don’t have the blueprints) until I met Lokar, soon after reaching L100, but obviously failed to resist him more than 15 seconds or the Cthonic Nemessis.

My current grimtools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPaDXjN and I will probably come back after finishing FG content but seems very unlikely I would be able to beath Lokarr without those items :eek:

edit: Forgot to say that my Lokarr strategy is very likely awful, too, even with that monstruos 43,6 k dmg from savagery. What potions / elixirs should I use against him and what should I DO NOT do when fighting him?