[] Beginner's Lightning Vindicator caster


One moar question, though…
Since I try to level w/ Faction only Normal takes VERY LONG.
Any major issues and where to bind devotions, mostly Twin Fangs since no Savagery yet and I don´t think Wendigo Totem nor Seal are right skills…
Possibly put 1 point into WoP nodes?

Change Elemental Storm to Seal and bind Devils to Bat for example.

Btw why is that fixation of using faction gear only, instead of MI items?

Pain is GOOD!:heart_eyes:
No, but seriously got curious about “The Flow” of GD to see how far ignoring gear drops would take me.
Granted I kinda cheat, since blueprints for augments & components are used.
I have always wondered, for example, what to do with Devil’s Crossings Aether/Chaos conversions gear…

Hi, new to the game, can you clarify which of the 3 factions I am supposed to pick between dreeg/solael/bysmiel? You have all of them mentioned, it looks like maybe bysmiel is mentioned more?

Guide is completely rewritten with new budget build and leveling guide section :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Nery Is the ranged Vindicator build totally useless now or can it still function as a beginner guide? If it’s useless I may as well remove it from the Beginner’s Comependium.

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I might update it, I am not fond of it’s current appearance. Lot’s of nerfs but if I remake it can function. But the other problem is leveling guide is for caster version.

So should it stay in the Beginner Compendium or not? From what you say it seems not.

A small question @Nery, how mandatory is to choose Kymon’s Chosen for this build ? Does the end build or anything else uses any of their recipes/relics which is very necessary ? From a lore standpoint, I prefer Order of Death’s Vigil personally.

In my few last characters I chose Kymon’s in Normal and Elite, get them to Revered and their augments in bulk and chose Vigil in Ultimate.

It’s not a biggie to get Vigil to Revered. In SSF Ultimate (which means no mandate with highest rep bonus) it took me an hour to fill up the whole bar from just before Honorered to Revered by doing Warden’s Lab Vigil bounty (many Aetherial Heroes in there).

You can keep your :cake: and eat it at the same time without too much work.


I mean Kymon provides faction gear for leveling lightning builds, although I happen to find better random items, so not important. There’s also thematic reason to side with Kymon with lightning based character/Inquisitor but no problem to choose Vigil.


I am glad you updated this old man Vindicator Nery. This was one of the first beginner guides I saw on the forum (even though I never played it). The new setup looks very good and up to date. Interesting that you also use tsunami on your other endgame build.

Also interesting that you are using zero random drop epic gear pieces - you really took the budget gear thing seriously.

How good would that shoulder with cold to lightning conversion (Ascendant Pauldrons - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database) be on your build? You would lose the +3 on Maelstrom but you get +3 on Raging Tempest (might be better considering the number of sources of damage that you have). A well-rolled one should be a good alternative. I saw that on your endgame totem build you use some cold to lightning conversion, so maybe you would be interested in this here as well. I am not sure how impactful would the damage increase on Chain Lightning, Tsunami, and Raging Tempest be though.

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Thanks for your comment!

Tsunami devotion fits in the blue route to Spear and its decent T1 devotion, especially chance to fumble. Also it’s possible to start directly with it for early AoE damage.

Some blue gear drops a lot and it’s lowy level like Final March but in general I try to limit amount of random drops in my budget configurations. So this is also the reason for faction shoulders. MI ones would still be better with good enough rolls.

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Hi Nery, thank you for the build… quick question on the widow devotion tree last node, which skill did you assign it to? I see it’s empty in the level 80 build link.


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Chain Lightning in this case.

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As @tqFan said Chain Lightning. I recommend binding your main attack/spam cast to your - RR skill as rule of the thumb. Gt have some issues with not showing devotion bindings of item/component granted skills.

thanks guys

Loving this build. I had played a Halestorm style build during early access. This build scratches that itch for me.

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I think this build is more funny than 2H ranged version :rofl:
Is it outdated Nery

The 1.1.2 version was remade for 1.1.9.x, I would not call it outdated. I’ve tried a lot of beginner builds (because I like leveling different characters and I’ve yet to beat Ultimate lmao) and any 1.8-1.9 build works fine.