[] 2H Aether-Lightning Druid Callidor+Primal Strike AoE clear(Theorycraft)

I wouldn’t go as far as to call it solid. It’s a gimmicky niche build, and I love it because it’s original. People don’t post builds like this anymore.

I love it that some people aren’t discouraged by the limitations of the weaker class combinations and anti-synergistic dmg types. This is good. But still, even with those limitations, you should try to make most of the little possibilities you’re offered. Just my philosophy.



Was considering albrecht + haunt…haunt has nice RR…but Magelord i felt was offering more flat dmg and a better proc IMO.
Sorry. Had taken the primal strike transmuter, but maybe that link was an old one. But since you are saying as well, i have changed my rings, and the numbers seem to reflect that as well.
forgot DoTs dont convert. Inferno is down to 1 point. was nt paying attention to the tool tip, soft-capped mirror. And the savings has gone into brute force.
Devastation on swap is too much work for me lol :stuck_out_tongue:
As for the belt, its either phantom thread or violent decay, so changed it to phantom thread for some more sweet OA.

As always, any further inputs always appreciated. Just want to build this character for the heck of it to see how the idea translates is all!

EDIT - Dont wish to swap my stone form devo points into Jackal. offers some nice DA boost. Any work around is appreciated.

I got confused here, you mentioned “stone form devo”, but it is a shield only devotion proc on the Obelisk devotion.

You get more OA (and this chance to crit) if you remove points from Elemental Balance to Savager (one point) and spend them into tenacity of boar (12/12) and some attack speed from storm touched, finally 3 points into savagery transmuter for phys res. You might not like the playstyle since it can be pretty clunky at time to keep up savagery stacks.

Jackal is pretty nice now, 6% speed to all and 2% physical res.

Changed medal augment to temper and two armor augments.

This is what I did: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4ZDzajk2

4% life-steal is not much still

Thanks man.


Just put a spare point into totem, for some extra heal.
I took the advice to softcap mirror cuz iam running on Aeon’s, tied to CT, so will be spamming that regularly.
CT is like my nuke for tough situations, especially as it seems like it synergises well with this weapon and the weapon proc as well.
Like you said, forgot feral and upheaval are WPS and dont add to primal strike. So just put spare points into brute force.

Also, while savagery might be better for OA/DA and res, i feel conceptually primal strike is better, its seems more like a shaman skill, a wild forest dweller swinging his gigantic weapon and raining lightning down, only here the lightning is a greenish hue. :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to critique.
I dont see where else to optimise. Only place i can see is may be re-distributing devotion points a bit.
After that, will take this build out for a spin.


Just re-bound some devo skills.
Added seal of blades for ADCtH

Even less aether rr then. But you have to testplay it to tweak build in the end of the day

Hello it’s an old thread but I play an Aether Primal Strike druid too. This is the funniest build I have ever played, it use Vortex of souls and its secret passive (bullet pass through targets) to create several Aether thunders with only one shoot.

Here is the grim tools : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b28LXgL2