[ -] (2H Ranged) Let's bring BIG GUNS TO THE BATTLE - Desolator Purifier [c+] [sr+]

I personally dropped mine while doing “hidden path” quest line on lower difficulty.

Killing bosses early 60s probably will give you chance but still it’s random drop.

You can use different medals for replacement like Ulzuin medal, Korvaak’s Brand, blue Luminari set medal, etc.

What were the items crafted for? Slow res?

Yes. /10char

Have you tried using Dagallon`s helm for the FS conversion + Abomination?

I tried personally using exactly that + shoulders with +4 Brimstone and Dagallon chest for 2pcs set bonus. It’s fastest Desolator build but it’s lot glassy than Justicar, so it’s your call if you want to glassify it.

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any changes to this build for the new patch?

Probably no.
As I’m testing a mod now, I have almost no desire to go back to vanilla game as I’m tired of constant stupid (sometimes) changes.

Well, this is one of my fav builds so if you decide to update it if any of the relevant gear changes, it’d be much appreciated! :astonished:

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I’ve changed the setup a bit: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/wV1LGlM2, it should be OK now. Build is still pretty fun to play.

13 posts were split to a new topic: Grimmicky or not?

build updated to finally.


Can you level with this build? If so, what skills/devotions do you go for first? Thanks.

Leveling is very simple, with Fire Strike as your current and future main skill. By lvl 50-55, you need to have both Aura of Censure and Brimstone.
In devotions, take Hawk, Scholar’s Light and Ghoul, then Solael’s Witchblade, then - Toad and Crown, then head to Kraken and other devotions.

Не совсем понимаю как работает Факел Ульзуина, привязанный к печати. Т.е., он начинает прокать только тогда, когда враги заходят в Печать? Если так, то не лучше его привязать к Ослепляющей? Для компании, по крайней мере. Или вообще к какому-нибудь Взрывному заряду)

На флешку можно перевесить, если хочется, особой разницы не будет.

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Thanks for the guide, I’m going to make such a character some time.

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Im kinda new to grim dawn but love the look of this build, just looking through i see the seal is the seal of the void, would the seal of destruction be better? for the extra fire damage or is the chaos conversion and attack speed way better.

first, welcome to the forum!

seal of the void is better here for 4% AS and its granted skill that is a wps like bursting round etc.

Do you have any tips for how to level the character? I’m new to GD as well!

Here is a beginner guide for a purifier build, 2 pistol though:

Once you have the equiptment via trading and farming, you switch to this build.

In the present build, the weapon and helmet of the set can both be crafted. If you have the materials, just ask on the discord or forum and somebody will craft it for you. Craft a couple of helmets and transmute them into the other set pieces or directly ask for a trade. As currency, i would calculate about 600k iron or 12 udgeblooms per set item. So it is faster to farm those or other materials.