[ -] [S&B Hybrid] The Bottlemage - Spellscourge Battlemage [4:45 Crucible] [SR100] [All Celestials]

welcome to the forum.
if you’re about Attributes, you get them after levelling up, also for some quests.

also yes, the full cunning investment is the way to go here to bost your damage.

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the build guide will be soon updated with new vids and reworked.
as for now, build has become even stronger and more fun to play, with better offensive potential and better damage.

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Just watched your 4:55 crucible…

Don’t think I’ve ever seen a build that tanky do crucible that fast before. Usually builds doing sub-5 crucibles can’t facetank it anywhere near that well.

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is there any change on items? cuz i cant see any lol
btw congrat on those buffs!

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the build was already tanky, though got even more defensive buffs in PT. ngl, I wasn’t really against :stuck_out_tongue:

not really, the current setup seems balanced to me

thanks! the build was hit very hard with the removal of “magic” phys, tho buffs negated it completely.

quick question, when i was trying out this build, i noticed sometime my hp bar goes brr so i had to use nullification to get rid of w/e debuff i got. i dont think i got that from a monster.

it may be reflected damage (trauma) from certain mobs, otherwise I dunno.
build has no health consuming buffs anyway

updated the OP with new Calla and Crate vids.

Hi, nice build. Wanted to tell you that your GT link doesn’t work right now. Worked yesterday, but today it’s unable to connect to database. So there is no way to see devotions, skills etc

hello, thanks.

try this, hope it works for you.
(otherwise it’s some kind of GT error)

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This link works. Thanks a lot for your fast reply!

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Any thoughts on Bladetwister as a second ring?

Hi and welcome.
Bladetwister is not a good choice here, cause it converts elemental damage into pierce. This is bad for Devastation. Go for combustion band for the extra RR.

Hi, just wanna ask why absolute zero and break morale are not invested in skill points for the physical resistance reduction?

you already have flat RR on blade arc, so no need in Break Morale, also no skill points for it
same for AZ, as 1) build has no skillpoints to invest both into OFF and AZ and 2) OFF doesn’t wok well w/o Aeon that allows to permafreeze enemies.
imo, the phys RR on AZ is sth of a relic from distant past, w/o any usage at all.

build is updated for, added all new vids for Crucible, SR and all Superbosses.


Hello, i’m newbie in this game and i have a question.
How you can equip the Chestguard (1035 phy required) when you have only 895 ?
Miss something ?

Veterancy talent from Soldier mastery reduces Physique Requirement for armor by 14%, so you need 890.1 (1035*0.86) with talent only. And you can craft helmet and boots with %Physique blacksmith bonus (Angrim, Duncan) too. Also, item stats have value range, so with good luck you can have Colossal Grasp providing up to 55 Physique (seen in Grimtools).

Thank you, didn’t notice the talent :slight_smile:

Hello! Sorry, I am somewhat new to GD and was wondering how you are able to use Devastation when it says it requires a caster off hand? But you are using a shield?