[] Shieldbreaker from A to Z, including end game, budget build+leveling guide

Sorry, I did not realise that you are the build creator. I checked those links and did not see they were the same.

Hey I’ve been following this guide and loving the build. I’m just curious about the choice of components as you leveled. Was there a specific reasoning behind the individual components at various levels, or was it just a whatever worked until you got to the end game. I’m currently level 41 and just wondering how much I should worry about components before I eventually get to elite since that’s when I think I’ll notice a difference

Of course there was a reason - to boost

  • damage
  • resistance
  • movement speed
  • Energy regen

You use them with purpose and there’s no reason not to use them since they are easy to apply and removed at Inventor if needed. I start using components as soon as I can get them. Might depend on whether you play on Veteran or Normal but I feel like you should develop a habit of using them. It’s automatic after a few characters leveled in this way because there are not so many best components for every slot.

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Thanks a lot for this guide :smiley: I started playing again after 4 or so years and really needed a beginner-friendly guide <3

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Is this build still viable right now?

Viable for what? I’m playing it through Hardcore Elite atm and it’s a beast. Had some close calls when my resistances wasn’t up to par but with everything maxed it just tears through stuff. It’s my first time playing hardcore mind, so I’m being extra careful.

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I want to thank the writers of this build. In the end, I fell just short-literally about 1 mil hp or so on the final boss in ultimate-of my goal of beating ulti and reaching level 100 with HC on this build, but I consider even just the latter a great success, considering it was only my fourth hardcore character and I’ve never had another 100 even on SC.

Thanks for the fun.

And Karsh, you can consider this a ringing endorsement of the build still working. Reached level 100 and beat all but the last bit of the campaign in ~27 hours, and almost assuredly could’ve beaten the last of the campaign if I wasn’t stubborn and just quit the game when it became apparent losing was on the table.


I haven’t updated in forever. My internet is just crap. Version
Fettan Mask doesn’t have +1 to all skills.

Should be v1.1.9.1, that’s the latest.

Fetten Mask in Normal lost it’s +1 to all skills.

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sorry-another question–
The guide goes from Normal to vet to elite–
When I went to Elite it reset all the quests and I don’t have portals anywhere.
Is that supposed to happen? Do I have to do all the stuff I did to that point? (Im 75 lvl deep into Korvan, Tomb of the Heretic)

Yes, that’s the way the game works. You carry over your levelling and gear, faction rep, but all quests/portals reset so you can do them again. Shrines and Totems too will be available again. Your top row of resistances take a hit on Elite so make sure they’re up to scratch. And when you reach Ultimate difficulty it’ll be the same again.

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I think where I got confused, the way the guide talked it was like I would just keep playing and turn the switch from Vet to elite the same way I could go from veteran. When people move from one difficulty to another, Vet - Elite or Elite to Hardcore (w/e it is), do they do all the lower level content all over again or do they skip ahead ?

Thank you for answering btw :slight_smile:

Hardcore is a different mode, you can’t play your softcore characters in it.

A lot of people will use Merit Tokens, available in the Forgotten Gods expansion, to skip difficulties. You can read/view how they work here, but be warned; skipping means you’re facing harder foes and will be at a disadvantage if you don’t have gear ready to use since your resistances still take the same hit/s when you skip as they do normally.

Often merits will be used to unlock the riftgates in the lower difficulties and then people leap around in those difficulties grabbing shrines for the devotion points and totems for gear before they go back to whatever difficulty they wish to play.

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Oh man, this mother****r is damn monster :flushed::flushed::flushed: I am now on lvl 31, that is what i have


Mb any tips, notes, advices on my progress

Dps about 19-20k already, afraid of further leveling. Damn cool char for fastleveling, TY, Nery.

tbw what about fractions? I mean is there any difference for us between Kymon/Vigil? Do we need Outcast and Barrowholm?

Looking for more info about attribute placement. Physique seems to be the default stat, and it looks like you assign Spirit as needed to equip any items. The final build example posted at the start of the guide has 12 Cunning point assigned, but does not appear to have any equipment that requires cunning. Were those points likely just assigned during leveling to equip a temporary piece of gear? Or is there another threshold that is getting met with that investment?

If I had an exact copy of the guide maker’s end game gear, but no attribute points assigned, would the play just be to assign exactly enough spirit to equip everything, and just dump the rest in Phys and leave cunning at 0?

Maybe weapon requirements were changed?

Otherwise you don’t benefit from cunning at all. Spirit will increase your damage and energy regen will help with sustain the energy cost of EoR. And physique will give you tons of health and DA.

I believe those 12 cunning points were just for a small OA boost, which is relatively low in the budget version.

Hey. Loving the build so far, nearly 50. I have a question though, and it would be helpful for my broader understanding of the game.

You mention that you were going to farm the Valaxteria Chest from AOM, but I am confused what is so special about that chest which would warrant farming it?

You mentioned in the same paragraph about farming the Gargoyle Girdle which makes sense as I can see the “+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper”, but the stats on the chest are:

+22/+33% Fire Damage
+22/+33% Cold Damage
24/36% Lightning Damage converted to Fire Damage
+5 Energy Regenerated per second
18/26% Poison & Acid Resistance
10/14% Slow Resistance
+3 to Infernal Purge
+3 to Elemental Balance
+3 to Storm Totem

Which aside from the fire damage and lightning to fire damage conversion doesnt seem like an item worth farming for, especially as none of the bonuses to skills are relevant.

Am I missing something?

Many thanks again :slight_smile:

It is the conversion - to get more out of the lightning damage from soulfire (and as the affixes are random - it can be also great as filler to get resistances - or more damage)



Hey The_Coyote, thank you for your response (and for your active involvment in this forum which I have noticed); and apologies for my slow response!

I think I have understimated the benefit of conversion on gear (especially relevant to abilities), so that is super helpful to know! And also that the affixes are random. Thank you very much :slight_smile: