[] 2H physical Battlemage +90 SR/Celestial + Crate/75-76 easy farm

Physical Battlemage? Actually BM is solid defensive class and RR isn’t much needed stat in deep realms, so nice touch, I like it.

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Mog’s touch seems a weird pick for so many armor augments. Your GT has a vit overcap of 43, probably higher with good gear rolls, which is overkill. You could swap some of those for health/DA augments. Same for the coven black ash on your helmet: pierce overcap doesn’t matter, so swapping it for Solael’s Voidward will give you more chaos overcap for basically no cost.

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Ingame I have 7 pierce overcap with this augument so decided to overcap it a little.
Mog’s touch I’ve used to have +40 poison/vit overcap for my own safety and maybe it can be changed but it’s hard to say due to sr randomness :wink:

It’s very nice to know that Battlemage has found its own specialization in SR and celestial! Now I can’t call it a disfunctional class anymore. :+1:

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Is it a coincidence that both of the classes abbreviated to BM have fantastic defense, low RR, and do nicely in SR with a physical spec? :thinking:

Nice SR build. Isn’t that da a problem with Fabiuses, Gaban’Thuns and other da-shredders/oa-buffers?

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Thanks, DA is not a problem because of good damage with high OA + lifesteal, defense procing cycling, mirror etc. Look at screen from 91, I have mutator -100 DA and still it was enough. In 75-76 I always facetank all bosses (da shreders like Fabius included) and I am not in danger.

Btw. Killed Crate, added tactic + setup in the first post.

Yeah, I also came to a conclusion that da is way overrated…

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That’s true, before I thought going for brutal armor and DA stack (like my first belgo build here) is the best defensive way but that’s not true, there are way more mechanics which can be even better.

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Thing about da is that below a certain very high value all it really does is to prevent crits from happening too often. But if you can’t survive a heavy crit to begin with it doesn’t matter how often they happen.

Chance to miss is not a very effective mechanic as evidenced by nightblades who are among the squishiest builds (unless supported by soldier and SR set ofc) despite the crazy dodge and deflect.

Damage reduction from da only kicks in at extremely high values.

In my recent couple of builds if da happened to sit at 2.8-2.9k I just let it. Going out of my way to make it 3k+ was usually futile.

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Why no Olexra´s Flash Freeze? 12/12 Absolute zero gives huuuge 40% physical reduction, not to mention CC for big packs. :open_mouth:

It’s a waste because the problem is rarely ever mobs. It’s big baddies.

On whom OFF has no real impact unless heavily supported by the mageslayer set

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1 point into OFF and AZ wouldn’t be bad idea for highest shards just for CC before boss room, could be a little bit easier but it really matter when you are close to 90 so I don’t think most players would like to use it for farming, it’s still additional button to press with minimal impact. RR doesn’t really works from here because of freezing requirement, bosses can’t be frozen, some monsters too I think.

Maybe it’s just me but in my opinion this devotion tree is impossible to create

It´s possible, just tested it.

Could you explain me what Im doing wrong than?

I’m not sure GT engine allows impossible trees.

But it’s an interesting expression “impossible tree”. :thinking: I think the only way possible to imagine a valid tree which is impossible to make is to avoid tier3s and make every branch ending on a self-fulfilling tier2. For instance you can come up with a fire based tree which includes Magi, Revenant, Solemn Watcher and Scales and some tier1s with low progression return like Ghoul.

To answer your question - remember that you can respec a devotion point using npc which respecs skill points. Using this tool you can create " buffer" constellations with high to fulfil the requirements for the others and then “sell” them. Basically every tree which includes a full tier3 constellation is possible to make. Because it allows to make such buffers.


In other words you can buy back points from the Crossroads constellation to use elsewhere so long as a constellation is self-supporting. Empty Throne for instance needs 1 purple (ascendant) from Crossroads to access, but once you’ve completed Empty Throne it gives you a bonus of 5 purple. So you can buy back the one in Crossroads since you still have 5 purple points and Throne only needs the 1.

You can also do this with other constellations besides Crossroads so long as your other choices can support themselves.

Do you need it step-by-step? I could do it for you.

I want to thank everyone for the quick reply! I found out how to do it!