[] [HC] The Immortal Army - Pet Dervish - Beginner Friendly Pet build! Super fast MC farmer!

I have managed to come up with three versions of the fire build that have fixed everything and use no double rare greens - only single rares. The affixes are mostly interchangable and none are used twice. One version doesn’t even need specific affixes for bonuses to blade spirit and guardians. I think all can do SR 65-66 easily (I have already done that with an inferior version of this build). I will test it later today or tomorrow. Also on monday I will post an acid version of the Immortal Army that is done on a different concept.


From these three versions you can do more available combinations of affixes that will work. If you find a better one, please post it. Take it as a baseline. I think it is now ready for adding it to the build compendium.