[] [HC] The Immortal Army - Pet Dervish - Beginner Friendly Pet build! Super fast MC farmer!

Here it is as current - I am still trying to find better leggings

thanks a lot!
I just needed it for the spec, not the items. I don’t have the all by far yet anyways :smiley:

Edit: But isn’t the Blades of Nadaan Devotion completely uselus as it requires a sword to be in effect? I assume you took it just for the Order affinity?

Hi, anyone got a grim tools link of the fire version showing which devotions to link with which spells?



Good point. I changed this build from an early dual sword to the immortal army and did not change too much of the early devotions as the build was feeling quite tanky and robust. You are correct though that the Blades of Nadaan requires a sword! I have changed it to Dryad. Thanks

I get tripped up with this oversight every now and again by unwittingly changing gear with devotions like Berserker, Lantern etc. Would have been really nice if all the points in a devotion turned red if you DON’T meet the requirements.

EDIT: That was a great observation. By changing from Blades of Nadaan to Dryad I was able to beat Lokarr. This is the FIRST of my characters that has been able to actually defeat this thug.

@ArteZ have yourself a good couple of well earned Burrich Brews on me :star:

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Nice! Guess it’s time to test it against Calla :wink:
One thing is guaranteed, your pets will never die!

Lets see what happens with Calla when I get there :pensive:, My other two lvl 100 characters cannot even blink when she appears, nevermind get out the way before the instadeath. Hopefully with this build’s 2 movement skills I may be able to kite around her while the pets batter her down. I have still ZERO experience or even what to try when fighting Calla at the moment, as my other chars are dead in seconds before I can even start to work out a strategy.

In theory, if you could avoid the tornadoes and her dashing attacks while running around in huge circles, the pets would take her down as long as you don’t run too far away which would force them to disengage and follow you. “Luckily”, Calla will always be on top of you. I’m actually curious to try it myself, but my only living Dervish is HC lol.

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Ok, one key word you said here is “TORNADOES” - that may be what is shredding and surprising my other 2 chars?

"What is this weird looking effect - Oooooh - instadeath"

I don’t think any of my chars have even seen her dash attack yet as they have been long dead before they even blink. This build is pretty tanky with good resists, DA, Armor absorption etc., so wading in close to a boss to assist the pets will take advantage of the Guardians fire resistance reduction and can hit hard with useful normal weapon damage and other attacks before skipping out of danger with movement skills.

Still a way to go in campaign before I can give this a whirl, but will keep posted.

EDIT: With latest 1.1.6 patch and the Conduit of Night Whispers change, Lokarr is now a death trap with this build. Quite disappointed as this was the first and only char I had that could defeat him. If Lokarr can hand your ass to you on a plate, then Callagadra is guaranteed to turn you into “Salad Dressing” !

I see patch 1.1.6 has affected the Immortal Army build.
Conduit of Night Whispers no longer adds an extra Blade Spirit, BUT it does give FIRE damage to the blades which, in the FIRE version of the Immortal Army at least, sounds like a good trade off?

I have not had time yet to see if this build can still walk Lokarr as it previously did and will give feedback when i can get around to do that. This is what the blades do now with the changes to the amulet.


Also, they do look GREAT - the Blades are fiery


@Contragor - This will probably be a HUGE boost for your FIRE build as you generate a lot more fire damage than mine as I place more emphasis in the Living Shadows and more player close quarter interaction.

EDIT: Ouch - Fail now against Lokar with the change to the Conduit of Night Whispers. Need to see what I can replace it with.

I’m wicked excited about some more support for fire nightblade skill damage conversions. Since I first started playing I’ve been wanting to utilize fire damage in a Nightblade. My first class combo ever was a Saboteur, and that was always part of why it didnt succeed. Conflicting damage types. With the fire buffs from Demo, this and Vilgazors Heart affecting RoS, all we need is something to convert blade trap, phantom blades, shadow strike, and/or ABB to fire/burn. Its be awesome to have something that changed Nidallas passive acid/poison damages to fire/burn.

Nah, this change is NOT helping the fire build either. I was already able to convert all cold and most piercing damage into fire, so losing 1BS is not good. 80 fire damage added to BS is not going to fix the fire build. Overall, there’s some damage loss, not gain. Need to test it though.

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Also a big NAH - Conduit of Night Whispers is now broken for the build. Lokar kicks my ass fairy swiftly now. Will need to see what I can replace it with.

Calla was a disaster as usual. Ran around in huge circles for about 10 mins - seeing ZERO reduction in her health bar until getting hit and pulped by her. My 3rd char now that has more chance of beating this boss than lighting a match during a tornado. I had a feeling that this was going to be the case as seeing that pre patch 1.1.6 I could thrash Lokarr now unable to beat him, so getting killed by Calla is a no brainer. Oh well - 2 more bosses to add to my list of “Can’t Touch These” for this char. Not too fussed though as i find Super Bosses tedious and normally avoid them like the plague. Fortunately they are optional :slight_smile:

Calla is not a joke for sure. But I have a feeling that the pets didn’t get to hit her much and were instead just following your char around. Pseudo pet builds in general would benefit greatly from an increase in distance from the player at which they can still engage mobs. Even pet attack doesn’t help much at long range. Maybe it’s something the devs can look at adding in the future.


question is: Is it a #dead-build ?

Is every build that struggles to beat Calla considered a dead build? :wink:

This build couldn’t be more alive given how easy it is to level 1-100 without any need to farm super rare items. Even without the third blade spirit, it is still very strong.


Yeah man this build is incredible. Mindlessly slays the entire early game, even without XP pots you’ll be level 40 in no time at all, using only self found gear. The Guardians! They just trash everything!


It is still not a dead build by a long way. It is the most efficient level 100 farmer and dungeon clearer I currently have. Yes, there are a few bosses it struggles with or just gets wiped, but every general equipped campaign char you build has the same problem - strong against some - weak against others.

I don’t bother tuning and changing a chars build JUST to tackle a certain boss as the char is designed to finish Ultimate and obtain level 100 against the campaign goals.

Basically if the build cannot take on the boss, I just avoid it with that char and see what my next build does when it reaches them.

This build just got a nice buff during this patch! Conduit of night got some fire damage, blade sprit and guardians of empyrian both got +1 summons at rank 24+. Should bring back the power a bit or make it even stronger?

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Wait what??? :eyes:

I’m running a Terraria server at the moment and can’t test it right now, but are you saying that we are able to get 5 guardians now along with 3 blade spirits?