[*] Beginner's Physical Two-Hand melee Blade Arc Witchblade, suitable for first character!

Thanks for clarifying.

Also, why no armor piercing on the weapon?

Armor Piercing is essentially conversion from physical to pierce. Since the damage of this build is physical, that’s undesired interaction. In high levels especially that will result to damage loss, since % physical will be higher and also more resistance

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I’ve been wondering if the end game build by mad_lee that is linked in the guide is up-to-date for the latest patch? The Devotions seem to be quite different, most notably:

  • Removal of Bull, Stag, Hammer, Harvestman’s Scythe,
  • Addition of Panther, Solemn Watcher, Wolverine, Huntress
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Well as I said end game version is with Bloodrager set, which have strong support for bleeding damage, which is an incentive to use bleeding devotion (Huntress) and slightly different route. Also with end game set build is more tanky, for budget builds is acceptable to go map with better defense or stats.

As if the build is updated, yes but check latest comments in Lee’s threads, cause he’s banned (why Lee?) :man_facepalming:

Here’s the GT for the latest update: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/bVAX5442


I have a tough time finding those resistances. I am roughly at 30% now, but I wasm’t lucky at all with any elemental ress. I am lvl 38 now, finished act3. Any recommendations where to farm some good gear?

build is here: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2EE9A72

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Hi and welcome to the forum!

I can’t see your link right now from my phone but elemental resistances are pretty common on gear, you just have been unlucky. Also you can try fixing them by using components, check what you can craft with blacksmith. Buy faction recipes for components, if you haven’t. But something like Wardstone/Runestone is pretty good. Also if you craft armor/jewelry you can net gear with “Prismatic” prefix.

Long time lurker, first time (I think?) poster here. I want to say thank you for this great guide! I just took a witchblade from 1-100 with this build, and it was a great experience. You were right - the sense of power progression you feel, from whacking things with a chunk of wood to EPIC GUTSMASHING! is quite satisfying. :grinning: I am now using mad_lee’s final build and farming SR 75 with it, but this guide got me there very smoothly.

I have lots of characters and builds, but I think this has now become my favorite melee toon lol. So, ty again to you and mad_lee, who I know is not on the forum anymore.

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Hi! According to the forum, it’s your first post but since 10 months ago.

Glad you like this build and guide!

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Budget build - Witchblade, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (grimtools.com)

Slow SR 75 video - GD Beginner’s 2H physical Witchblade SR 75 - YouTube

why is there a Toad devotion in this build?

Toad is mostly for it’s affinity points. Both purple/green are required for this build. Other than that the biggest perk is the attack damage converted to health.

Don’t Scales and Dire already deal damage converted to required health? This is why I asked this question; This devotion also gives attributes to pets, but there are no summons or pets in the build. just for affinity points, this devotion didn’t make much sense. Can you enlighten me if I’m wrong? I follow and love your builds, I have no intention of judging you, I’m just curious.

Toad is one of the most cost-effective devotion, giving you 6 affinity for just 4 points.
If you need both green and purple, it’s always a good choice.


In the leveling part, you told us to put points on the Ghoul devotion, but there is no Ghoul during the devotion, I’m confused, should I follow the order? Or should I rate the devotion in the leveling part?

My initial build/leveling have same devotion path. But I’ve updated the budget build and it’s much better now. Just use the instructions from devotions menu during your leveling process as well.


I just made an account so I can thank you for this build. It’s a very good and budget friendly build. So again thank you and keep up the good work


Thanks, appreciate your comment!

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Hello Nery welcome forum. I want to thank you for this amazing build. I followed the description step by step I really like the result. My character looks like this after about 310 hours of grind.Witchblade, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator I would ask for help, finally many good items dropped out what would be the best devotion right now. Thanks for the helpful answers. Sorry for the bad language :smiley:

I have been following this guide as I level, and it’s been a lot of fun so far. Thanks!

As of 1.2, is there any significant change?

i pplayed this build too recently, but i dont see any changes from those items that this build used in the v 1.2 change-log. so what is significant change you’re talking about? did i miss something?