[ -] Hunger insatiable - Valguur Cabalist [sr+] [mi] [vid]

Thank you, Crate.
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Nice build dude. I love valguur

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Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:. It is sad to see the build being massacred in such brutal ways by patch nerfs though. I guess, I need another character to farm this type of Ravager :neutral_face:.

Hello again! What brought to this build.

  • Lotus: increased % Healing Increased to 10%
  • Scales of Ulcama: Increased Health Regeneration to 30 and % Energy and % Health Regeneration to 33%. Reduced Health to 150 and % Attack damage Converted to Health to 3% and removed Offensive Ability.
  • Blood Boil: increased damage scaling with rank
  • Bone Harvest: increased % Weapon damage scaling with rank to 270% by rank 16, 330% by max ultimate rank

And my “favorite”:

  • Valguur’s Hunger Set: reduced Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 120
  • Valguur’s Focus: reduced Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 50. Added skill proc from Valguur’s Touch.
  • Valguur’s Touch: moved skill proc to the Valguur’s Focus.

The results are below :roll_eyes:.

Ravager of Flesh

SR 76 with Boss Room

And some bad Crucible gameplay (do not fall asleep :neutral_face:)

Build I used https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZRPBa42 (just some Augments changes, medal with another suffix and tried Ravenous Earth instead of Ill Omen).

The conclusions:

  1. I do not like patch for this build.
  2. Ill Omen is better overall. Earth is only for Ravager kills.
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Patch does not contain any changes for this build :slightly_smiling_face:.

Looks like Ravager is back on menu, boys!

I decided to change my build and use Oblivion relic instead of Serenity since we have full Chaos-to-Vitality conversion. And its spammable skill is good :slightly_smiling_face:. It turned out to be more effective in current patch. Farewell, Bone Harvest :cowboy_hat_face:.
Also, here are some SR and Crucible videos:

Main topic was changed a bit, with new Grimtools link and screenshots. Waiting for release!

Greeting, Valguur fans! :grinning:

Patches flew by very fast, but only in we received so much needed QoL for our main ability - Siphon Souls :partying_face:. It was great, now it is even stronger:

  • Siphon Souls: increased Duration to 6s and reduced Cooldown to 5s
  • Blood Boil: increased Bleed and Vitality Decay damage scaling with rank. Increased Offensive Ability reduction scaling at ultimate ranks to -285 by max ultimate rank.

Even this:

  • Valguur’s Hunger Set: removed Cooldown Reduction modifier for Siphon Souls and reduced its % Vitality Resist Reduction modifier to -16%

does not spoil the day.

Updated Grimtools link with latest build is already available for your consideration (the Oblivion one). Just some components and Augments change for better CC resists and - a triple-rare Rylok Mark (it was too good not to use :grin:).

Have a nice day!


Without the updates for your builds I would probably have not realized that you already posted so many of them!

Keep it up Bro :+1:

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My laziness is just too big to update them in time :sweat_smile:.


My laziness (and lack of free time) allowed me to do ZERO build post or guides. I’m also shitty pilot
So there is that :stuck_out_tongue:

For a long time I have thought about making a beginner/budget guide for Chaos WH (not for HC ofc).

Also why you hate WH so much ? :wink:

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Despite having good stats, sustain, variety of build options on paper, they end up the same. Every time. A squishy piece of thing with no damage at all :rage:. As if I have the version of GD where Witch Hunters, Templars, to certain degree - Paladins automatically get “-100% Damage Dealt, +200% Damage Taken” debuff. Paranoia, you may guess? Well, I managed to make only one average Paladin, one “sort-of-workable” Templar and zero Witch Hunters. In my over 4000+ hours of playtime. That says something. Even my Fire/Vitality hybrid Defiler is hundred times better than any WH I created :crazy_face:.


Hello! Have you forgotten this old Valguur fella? :laughing:

Well, the build got needed buffs in, so nothing game-breaking in, just this:

  • Aspect of the Guardian: increased base % Physical Resist by 2% and increased % All Retaliation damage scaling with rank

Hope there will be no nerfs ahead :wink:. Until next patch!


This is build update:

  • Reaver’s Hunger: added 25% of Elemental dealt as Vitality and increased bonuses to Dread and Sigil of Consumption to +3. Added +3 to Shadow Strike and Nidalla’s Justifiable Ends and added modifiers for Shadow Strike. Increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 80. Removed bonus to Bone Harvest.
  • Oblivion: increased % Weapon damage on the granted skill to 125%
  • Rylok Mark: increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 120 and increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Primal Strike to 10%
  • Valguur’s Hunger Set: increased % Health bonus to 24% and added +6s Duration modifier for Storm Totem
  • Valguur’s Focus: added 60 Offensive Ability and increased Defensive Ability to 66. Increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 100.
  • Rattosh, the Veilwarden: increased Health to 350
  • Sailor’s Guide: added 15% Fire Resist and increased % Run Speed to 10%
  • Scales of Ulcama: increased % Health to 6%, Health to 250 and % Run Speed to 6%
  • Solemn Watcher: replaced % Cold Resist with 18% Chaos Resist
  • Sigil of Consumption: increased Vitality Decay damage scaling with rank
  • Ill Omen: increased damage scaling with rank

The build was changed accordingly (a spare point from SoC moved to CoF), GT link updated. Have fun!

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Hello! :slightly_smiling_face:

Let us revive this build for patch. So, what is new?

  • Reduced Monster Vitality Resistance on Elite and Ultimate difficulties by 4% and 8%, respectively.
  • Reaver’s Hunger: added 66 Defensive Ability
  • Mythical Voidwalker Footpads: reduced Cooldown on the granted skill
  • Valguur’s Hunger Set: increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 180. Reduced % Life Leech Resist Reduction modifier for Siphon Souls to -4% and its % Vitality Resist Reduction modifier to -10%.
  • Valguur’s Focus: increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 120
  • Valguur’s Raiment: added 55 Defensive Ability
  • Valguur’s Touch: increased Offensive Ability to 133
  • Bat: added 10 Defensive Ability
  • Dying God: added 8-20 Chaos damage for pets and increased Defensive Ability to 55
  • Ghoul: increased Health Regeneration to 16 and % Health Regeneration to 30%
  • Rattosh the Veilwarden: added 45 Defensive Ability and 5% Physical Resist
  • Scales of Ulcama: reduced Energy Regeneration to 2.5 and incrased Health Regeneration to 30 and Defensive Ability to 45
  • Ghoulish Hunger: added % Increased Healing (Forgotten Gods only) and added % Cast Speed
  • Mark of Rattosh: increased % Life Leech Resist Reduction to -10%
  • Blood of Dreeg: reduced Cooldown to 12s and increased Duration to 60s. Increased Energy Cost and Health Regeneration scaling with rank. Increased % Heal at scaling at ultimate ranks.
  • Possession: increased % Absorption scaling with rank to 18% by rank 12, 25% by max ultimate rank
  • Call of the Grave: increased Energy Cost scaling with rank
  • Mark of Torment: increased Energy Cost scaling with rank. Duration and Cooldown are now fixed at 5s and 16s, respectively. % Damage Absorption now starts at 15% and scales to 35% by rank 10, 50% by max ultimate rank.

A lot of different stuff, yes. The build is updated accordingly, new videos added (sane Callagadra fight, Crate and Clones of Bourbon). No Crucible - I do not play it nowadays, so tag [cr] is removed, old videos from main topic too.

Have fun!

Hi! :grinning:

What is new for this Cabalist in patch?

  • Mythical Voidwalker Footpads: reduced Cooldown on the skill proc
  • Bat: increased Offensive Ability to 15
  • Ghoul: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 5%
  • Scales of Ulcama: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 5%
  • Mark of Rattosh: increased Vitality damage scaling with rank and increased base % Vitality Resist Reduction by -3%
  • Blood of Dreeg: reduced Health Regeneration scaling at ultimate ranks
  • Aspect of the Guardian: Increased % damage scaling with rank to 100% by rank 12, 210% by max ultimate rank. Reduced % Physical Resist scaling with rank to 10% by rank 12, 13% by max ultimate rank.
  • Solael’s Witchfire: added Defensive Ability scaling with rank and increased % Attack Speed scaling at ultimate ranks to 23% by max ultimate rank. Reduced % Vitality damage scaling with rank to 75% by rank 12, 145% by max ultimate rank.
  • Vulnerability: increased Defensive Ability Reduction scaling with rank to 100 by rank 10, 200 by max ultimate rank
  • Ill Omen: increased % Damage Reduction scaling at ultimate ranks to 35% by max ultimate rank
  • Siphon Souls: increased Damage scaling with rank
  • Blood Boil: increased Vitality Decay damage scaling with rank
  • Spectral Binding: increased Health scaling with rank to 1450 by rank 12, 3500 by max ultimate rank. Increased % Aether damage scaling with rank to 120% by rank 12, 240% by max ultimate rank

Nothing much to update here, just relocated some points from Physique to Spirit since our DA is over 3000 with SS OA reduction, more damage is always welcome :slightly_smiling_face:. New Grimtools link and screenshots added as usual. The build performs good, no complaints.

Have a nice day!


Hello again! :slightly_smiling_face:

Another small build update for patch.

  • Valguur’s Focus: increased Vitality damage modifier for Siphon Souls to 90
  • Destruction: added +1s Duration bonus and increased damage scaling with rank. Increased % Vitality damage scaling with rank to 144% by rank 12, 264% by max ultimate rank.
  • Vulnerability: increased Defensive Ability Reduction scaling with rank to 150 by rank 10, 300 by max ultimate rank

A nice portion of damage for our two main skills - Siphon Souls and SoC, more DA reduction on top :grinning:. GT link stays unchanged.

Until next post!