[] Sentinel of the Three Witchblade CR 4:40 + 5:50EX naked/ 100sr with Fevered Rage + 2.5kDA / Celestials -> Ravager 33 sec + Crate ~1 min facetank + Callagadra 44 seconds

I mean conversion of physical retal into acid.

How does the build perform with a g3 setup though? IIRC the game isn’t balanced around maxed fantasy greens.


Saw it being used :stuck_out_tongue:


Greens don’t play significant role here. One really good retal affix here is “of Blades”. The rest is pretty much whatever is best to fill the stat gaps.

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So maybe mark of myrmidion + cadence just for apply RR can works better, I will have to try it.

@Boromonokli The only very good green here is medal because of 5% chance of cooldown reduction (very hard rng though) - you can reset your absolution sometimes which increase damage/survivality in time or reposistion Eldritch shard in Crucible. With boots I’ve tryied to squeeze as much OA as I can because of cunning and spirit better ratio and similar retal values to Stonetreaders.
Belt must be 60%, other suffixes doesn’t matter as much. The reason I’ve choosed these items were mostly to get as much oa and crit chance to take superbosses fast after many rng attempts.

For 3g it would be even bad belt but 60%, Stonetreaders and Markovian’s Strategem, for bosses should be like 3-5 seconds slower, for crucible probably not much difference because piloting (and luck for monsters) matters more in terms of few seconds here and there.

2 weeks ago with bad rolls (especially belt) and full physique/no oa components I did Ravager in 39 seconds.

That’s kinda not true because Morgo was heavily nerfed because of results achieved on top fantasy setup with exactly the right affixes, while full purple Morgo setups at that time (the time of no Winter Bane) were nowhere as impressive.

As or this build, you can’t make it phys without the green belt but it doesn’t have to be fantasy. And the set of the Three is still plenty broken as acid. Always was. The flat retal values are ~3 times as high as on any other gear. And everybody knows what happens when get things like 46% rta in one second ticks in AoE. The reason why it was never nerfed - and actually buffed recently, wasn’t it? - is because no reason. :rofl:

Spanks made an interesting build some time ago with acid and 3pc Three. It was also broken af.

You do apply it with naked strikes between Shield Slam on LMB. No need for Cadence. Serrated Shell is BiS as it is imo. It’s got flat retal, rta on the strike and best shield stats for better proccing of Hammers, etc.

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If this thing is fine, I want my prenerf stormbox and RoH back!

Nope, they were already good for some period. Time to make Horn of Gandar great… for first time. Or nerf box again?

On current horn even if you get 100% cdr for it it’ll be shit :rofl:

The damage is a bit bearable now with the buff. But the confuse and range makes all the enemy run around like flies avoiding you… :rofl:

Can you make char screenshot?
want add it to grimpendium

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I want my +1 to Wind Devil Trozan stick back as well as Cyclone’s set flat back and Maestrom damage back. Without RR from Corruption and with all the heavy nerfs Lightning is nowhere as appealing as it used to be.

Oh well, as @Dmt said, #hellobalance2020

prenerf storm totems!!! (with current pity-buffs)

there are exceptions apparently.

Sure, thanks! You can call it “Fevered Rage Witchblade” or something, this character name with typo is ugly


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Jobs Done <3


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Good work
Nerf pending …

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I think even after nerf it will be viable, just slower. Still should be very solid choice for shattered realm and superbosses, maybe hit harder in crucible.

The thing is from day 1 there’s always voice to call for nerf to retal builds, and till this day, it still stands the best of all, even after a few un-hurtful changes.

… Maybe this time, it’s finally due~


Phys retal was supposed to be okay after the initial retal nerf wave but then Targo set with acid to phys conversion and conversion belts got introduced, then sentinel set got buffed.

Pretty much this.

Incoming targo set nerf instead!