[] Three DW melee Warlocks - aether, chaos and aether + chaos, SR 80+

I am retesting my older builds for SR 80. I revisited these three builds and one can do SR80. It is quite unexpected but it is the Twilight version. One would say that this would be just meme. But only that version can do it consistently. I have in main post how they behave in SR 80.

I don’t like to play SR much but SR 65-66 and SR 80 are easily accessible. So I will from now on test my builds in SR 80 as well.

I also have now 4 builds that crush SR 80 but can’t kill Reaper in it. All are aether so I just want to say here - fuck Reaper :smiley: It is this Lord of Aether, Twilight Spinner and two of the Aether Spinners (Oppressor and Templar).

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