[] Beginner's Apex Death Knight

Two mobility skills means faster farming runs.

In short, cast RE for debuffing from the start and recast it once in a while (no reason to spam it because Assasin’s Mark has 18 second duration), as for War Cry it’s overall a good idea to cast it on cooldown unless you know you can manage without it. Bone Harvest is also used on cooldown. Mark of Torment is more of an opportunistic skill and the concept of “rotation” isn’t really appliable here.

Thank you for the reply! People like you make this much more fun. Great suggestions. Finally got the Deathstalker Blueprint last night! Next I need to work on the Mythical Belt and Ring of the Black Matriarch. Have a great day!


Hi, I am following this build and it is working great. Just swapped over to blade arc recently, but I do have a question on weapon choice. How does gutsmasher compare to the korvan celestial halbred?
From playing with both and trying to compare they feel about the same . I am using full krieg set aswell. build link
I’m assuming that a well rolled halbred would be better.


As a general rule I don’t try high end options (such as random drop legendaries) on budget builds.

Gutsmasher is usually used on Witchblade and is built differently from that DK in regard that it uses bleeding as secondary damage, while Korvan Halberd is strictly physical damage. As DK doesn’t have -%bleeding RR and conversions are mismatching I very much doubt it’s going to be good in a long run. That is not to say that Gutsmasher can’t compare well on DK to Halberd if Halberd has non-GG affixes. If it works for you then why not, albeit saying that you “feel” that way isn’t very persuasive, things like that are better tested at dummy at least.

What factions should i go for?
Same as the pre-krieg one?

KC vs DV - doesn’t matter
Outcast - better friends
Barrowholm - better friends
Cults - any

Well, it sort of does since you’re a Death Knight - meaning at some point you’re going to take Necromancer. KC aren’t going to be very happy with you if you do it after you join them. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well you start with Soldier and it’s technically possible to reach Homestead before picking up Necromancer and side with Kymon’s Chosen if one wants to see what would happen in this case.

I personally sided with Death’s Vigil on this character though.

Im a returning player and just gor the expansion. This build look great for my HC Journey.
I read the next patch will nerf conversion to physical damage. Will that mean this build becomes a lot weaker.?
And when is the patch espected?

The “nerf” is actually a bugfix, converted physical damage used to ignore enemy armor, which was a big deal.
This build has never relied on that gimmick, and since bugfix necessiated some adjustments to keep some builds from falling apart there were pretty generous compensations issued to all physical damage builds. I expect this build to be slightly better than it was when I’ve done it.

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Thx for the fast reply.
Sound great and thx for your contribution to the community.

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Hey so I’m in the process of farming the celestial halberd. Would a relentless korvan celestial halberd of ruin be okay? it has a lot more physical dmg but the attack speed is 20%. I have another one with 34% attack speed but not nearly as much physical damage. Thanks :slight_smile:

Edit: Also my physique is two times higher than my cunning. Should I reset my points and dump more of the points into cunning instead?

I usually just look at the dps number. If it gives more DPS for Blade Arc then that’s what I would use.

I’d say that would be optimal. Perhaps not that much of a big deal but slightly better.

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thanks for the tips :slight_smile: love the build by the way. Still tuning it up a bit but I feel like a vampiric/barbaric halberd is needed for survival? idk I feel like I die a bit too fast.

here is what i could do till now grimtools
and i feel like something is not right about my build since i cant even farm morgoneth. I guess i need some advice to improve it


  1. Low OA. You need OA to proc Assasin’s Mark, Blind Fury, as well as benefit from +50% crit damage on Laceration.
  2. Assasin’s Mark bound to Bone Harvest.

See if you’re actually activating Assasin’s Mark on Morgoneth, it has a subtle overhead icon of two crossed blue swords.

If you hate using RE that much you should bind Assasin’s Mark on Blade Arc, Shifting Sands on Bone Harvest and get Azraaka’s head node instead of Blind Fury (attack speed is great on 2H builds). Once you get Deathstalker relic it can be further reconsidered, since you can bind Blind Fury or Shifting Sands to it.

Also, it really depends on how you play. When I fight Morgoneth I don’t yolo facetank him, I bait his projectile attack out first and only then go in melee. These projectiles have 60% damage reduction and 35 resistance reduction, which is one of the most bullshit debuffs in the game. Basically you have these debuffs over you you kite. If you don’t like that you can experiment with replacing Solemn Watcher for Ulo the Spring Maiden, her proc has debuff removal.

thanks for the reply. seeing my mistakes really helped me to improve

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I just started the game and I followed this guide, but in the leveling section, you said to switch to Elite difficulty between levels 51-65, but I cut the boss in the necropolis and I have a mission for aom, what do you think I should do?

Depends on you mostly.

I used to do full playthroughs on veteran and elite before, but as of recent I usually skip AoM and FG on normal / veteran to cut time expenses.

Doing full playthroughs is going to be a more smooth sailing, but it’s going to take longer.

So I’m going to do the full playthrough, sticking with your guide. Do you have any suggestions for a beginner player like me?