[ -] Blood Indelible - S&B Physical/Bleeding Blade Arc Warlord [sr+][mi][vid]

Greeting fellas! :grinning:

The build was updated for patch, main topic changed and new GT link added. Here are buffs it received:

  • Rare Suffix - Vengeance: increased Physical damage
  • Kalis’Ka’s Harvest: added 10% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Blade Arc and increased its Physical damage modifier to 100 and its Bleed damage modifier to 110 / 3s
  • Sandclaw Slicer: increased bonus Physical damage to 36 and increased bonuses to Laceration and Rebuke to +3. Increased Physical damage modifier for Blade Arc to 132 and added 6% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for it. Added modifiers for Presence of Virtue - our new weapon of choice, it beat Pit Master’s Axe.
  • Mythical Grasp of Unchained Might: increased Physical damage to 19-25. Increased % Pierce dealt as Physical modifier for Aura of Conviction to 100% and its Physical damage modifier to 28.
  • Oleron: increased Physical damage to 16-22, Internal Trauma to 24 / 5s, and % Physical and % Internal Trauma damage to 200%
  • Presence of Virtue: increased Bleed and Internal Trauma damage scaling with rank
  • Haven: increased % Healing Increase scaling with rank to 22% by rank 10, 33% by max ultimate rank and increased % Health scaling with rank to 30% by rank 10, 40% by max ultimate rank
  • Rebuke: increased Physical damage scaling with rank

And one nasty nerf :unamused:

  • Deathstalker: reduced % Physical Resist on the pet’s skill to -8%

SR 75 full run with Null eating from one sneaky Arcane mob and unlucky Grava kiting :laughing:.

Have a nice day!


Aaand hello again, this time in patch! :slightly_smiling_face:

A pack of buffs and nerfs build received:

  • Increased monster % Physical Resist on Ultimate difficulty by 2%
  • Rare Prefix - Tyrant’s: removed % Physical damage
  • Kalis’Ka’s Harvest: reduced % Bleed and % Internal Trauma damage modifiers for Presence of Virtue to 80% and removed its % Physical damage modifier. Increased Bleed damage modifier for Blade Arc to 150 / 3s
  • Mark of Consumption: increased % Offensive Ability to 3% and added 12% damage to Undead
  • Bloodrager’s Endless Frenzy Set: added Heal to skill proc
  • Mythical Bloodrager’s Shoulderguard: added 5% Health
  • Fox: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 6%
  • Huntress: increased Health to 350
  • Mogdrogen the Wolf: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 10% and added 10% damage to Undead and 200 Health
  • Oleron: increased Health to 350 and reduced Physical damage to 12-16
  • Howl of Mogdrogen: added % Cast Speed
  • Military Conditioning: reduced % Health scaling with rank to 21% by rank 10 and increased scaling at ultimate ranks such that value at max ultimate rank remains at 36%
  • Clarity of Purpose: reduced base % Crowd Control Resists to 12% but increased their scaling with rank such that the value at rank 12 remains at 50%
  • Haven: increased % Shield Damage Blocked scaling with rank to 40% by rank 10, 60% by max ultimate rank. Reduced % Health scaling with rank to 26% by rank 10 and increased scaling at ultimate ranks such that value at max ultimate rank remains at 40%.
  • Rebuke: reduced Physical damage scaling with rank
  • Resilience: reduced base % Maximum All Resist and % Defensive Ability to 1% and increased their scaling with rank such that the values at rank 12 remain at 5% and 12%, respectively

Thanks to some Physical “over-performancers” this build was nerfed as well :grimacing:. At least Bleeding side and lifesteal is buffed, that is good. Also, added build version with Divine Mandate for those who despise Oleron’s Rage and want moar %Crit :laughing:. Performs almost the same. Still thinking what to choose :thinking:.

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Oh, hello again, my friends! :slightly_smiling_face: update incoming:

  • Mogdrogen the Wolf: increased Defensive Ability to 50 and increased % Total Speed for Pets to 8% and Bleed damage for Pets to 12 / 3s

Yeah, just this :rofl:. But the build survived another patch and even may see the end of patches. For now, enjoy the game and have a nice weekend!

P.S. I have chosen Divine Mandate version. Oleron one is viable too.

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Hello! I am newish to the game. Is this build newbie friendly? I am thinking of following the Sandclaw Slicer version and as for armors, I think I’ll just grab whatever greens has the highest % bleed damage and resistance that drops. :smiley:


The build can work without Bloodrager set, although not as good. Keep in mind that Bleeding does not heal you through life-leech, so Physical Damage on gear must not be ignored. Use Baldir set, for example.


This is build update:

  • Mythical Mark of Consumption: increased Health to 550 and increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifiers for Blade Arc and Phantasmal Blades to 8% and 6%, respectively. Added 8% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Upheaval.
  • Bloodrager’s Endless Frenzy Set: increased % Heal on the skill proc
  • Mythical Bloodrager’s Cowl: reduced % Heal on the skill proc. Increased Bleed damage modifier for Savagery to 120 / 3s
  • Empty Throne: increased % Freeze and % Stun Resists for player and pets to 25%. Increased % Aether, % Chaos and % Pierce Resists for pets to 15%.
  • Huntress: added 8% Increased Healing. Increased Health to 450 and increased % Health for pets to 12%.
  • Mogdrogen the Wolf: increased Health to 650 and replaced % Leech with 15% Increased Healing (Forgotten Gods only)
  • Oleron: increased Health to 650
  • Quill: increased Health to 100

Small buffs here and there, some Life leech lost but %Increased Healing gained. The build is updated (Divine Mandate), just attribute reshuffle. Have fun!

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Hello guys! :slightly_smiling_face:

The build was updated to patch and got this stuff:

  • Pit Master’s Axe: replaced bonus and modifiers for Blade Arc with support for Ring of Steel - goodbye axe :wave:
  • Dryad: reduced Energy Regeneration to 1.0
  • Fox: added 10 Health Regeneration
  • Huntress: added 25 Health Regeneration. Increased Bleed damage to 15 / 3s and % Increased Healing to 12%.
  • Mogdrogen the Wolf: increased % Increased Healing to 20% and removed Bleed damage for pets
  • Dryad’s Blessing: increased Healing scaling with rank
  • Howl of Mogdrogen: added % Health Regeneration scaling with rank
  • Blade Arc: removed Chance of Knockdown, but increased its Ragdoll potential, cause ragdolling is the best
  • Fighting Spirit: reduced Cooldown and Duration to 5s
  • Menhir’s Will: increased % Heal and Health Regeneration scaling with rank
  • Overguard: increased base % Shield Damage Blocked and base % Health Regeneration to 50% and increased Energy Cost scaling with rank
  • Markovian’s Defense: reduced % Damage Modified penalty to -10%
  • Veterancy: increased Health Regeneration and % Health Regeneration scaling with rank
  • Ascension: increased Energy Cost scaling with rank

According to 1.2 lifeleech nerfs here and there, I use @Crab_Turtle_2112’s devotion tree with Dryad instead of Ghoul now. Also slightly changed skill allocation, items are the same. New Grimtools link and videos with new Celestial boss fights were added.

Thank you for your support and have a good time!

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Hello there! :grinning:

Let us update this build for current patch:

  • Shields now reduce incoming damage greater than your Shield Block Amount by 100%, up from 70%.
  • Magic Prefix - Impassable: reduced % Physical Resist to 6%
  • Dryad: reduced % Physical Resist to 3%
  • Huntress: added 60 Armor and increased Offensive Ability to 25. Reduced Health to 200. Added 40% All damage for pets and 80% Bleed damage for pets. Removed Bleed damage for pets.
  • Mogdrogen the Wolf: added 4% Offensive Ability. Added 120% Bleed damage and 10% Health for pets and increased % All damage for pets to 140%. Removed % Total Speed for pets.
  • Oleron: increased Offensive Ability to 70
  • Owl: increased % Dot Duration to 50%
  • Rend: increased Bleed damage scaling with rank
  • Blade Arc: increased % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks, to 225% by max ultimate rank, and increased Bleed damage scaling with rank
  • Counter Strike: increased % Retaliation added to Attack scaling with rank to 12% by rank 16, 16% by max ultimate rank. Increased Physical Retaliation damage scaling with rank
  • Field Command: reduced % Armor scaling with rank to 20% by rank 12, 30% by max ultimate rank
  • Military Conditioning: increased % Physique scaling at ultimate ranks to 28% by max ultimate rank. Reduced % Health scaling to 20% by rank 10, 32% by max ultimate rank.
  • Divine Mandate: increased % Internal Trauma Duration scaling with rank to 75% by rank 12, 125% by max ultimate rank.
  • Haven: reduced % Health scaling with rank to 20% by rank 10, 32% by max ultimate rank.
  • Resilience: reduced % Physical Resist scaling with rank to 10% by rank 12, 15% by max ultimate rank

Grimtools link was added with new stats screenshots. Some updates, some downgrades here and there, minor gear changes and skillpoints shuffle. The build is playable despite not having Bear and Berserker :grin:. Great devotions but hard to fit with Oleron/Mogdrogen tree.

Have a great time!

I’ve always thought that weapon/shield combo should be a solid core to build around, glad to see it getting some love!

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