[ -] Chill Indisputable - DW Malkadarr Morgoneth Reaper [sr+][mi][vid]

And the funny thing is, they’re all legit builds too :rofl:

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Welcome to! :slightly_smiling_face:

Let us look at buffs the build received:

  • Reduced monster % Cold Resist by 6% on Ultimate difficulty and 3% on Elite difficulty
  • Dual Blades: increased base % Physical Resist by 2%
  • Pneumatic Burst: reduced Cooldown to 8s and increased Offensive Ability scaling with rank to 110 by rank 12, 200 by max ultimate rank
  • Breath of Belgothian: reduced Cooldown Reduction to -3s
  • Shadow Dance: increased Defensive Ability scaling with rank to 160 by rank 12, 290 by max ultimate rank, and increased % Melee and % Ranged Avoidance scaling with rank to 22% by rank 12, 28% by max ultimate rank
  • Elemental Awakening: increased Frostburn, % Elemental damage and % Frostburn damage damage scaling with rank

Not much, so the build remains same and only slightly stronger. Have fun and do not forget to ask questions/give new amazing ideas! :smile:

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Here is build update:

  • Sailor’s Guide: added 15% Fire Resist and increased % Run Speed to 10%
  • Wendigo: added 5% Run Speed. Increased % Health to 6% and Health to 250.
  • Yugol, the Insatiable Night: added 300 Health and increased % Spirit to 4%
  • Black Blood of Yugol: increased Duration to 8s
  • Ring of Steel: increased % Weapon damage scaling with rank to 260% by rank 16, 320% by max ultimate rank
  • Whirling Death: sped up the melee animation hit frame by 10% to match comparable WPS skills. Average DPS of this ability remains unchanged.
  • Ill Omen: increased damage scaling with rank
  • Necrotic Edge: sped up the melee animation hit frame by 27% to match comparable WPS skills. Average DPS of this ability remains unchanged.

The build did not change, GT link is up-to-date. Have fun!

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Hello! :slightly_smiling_face:

Let’s give this frosty Reaper a bump in Here are the changes:

  • Malkadarr’s Dreadblade: reduced Cold damage modifier for Necrotic Edge to 110 and added +2 Targets modifier for it
  • Candle: reduced Energy Regeneration to 2.5
  • Ghoul: increased Health Regeneration to 16 and % Health Regeneration to 30%
  • Raven: reduced Energy Regeneration to 1.0 and increased Lightning damage for pets to 9
  • Wendigo: increased Health to 300 and replaced % Physical Resist with 40 Defensive Ability
  • Ghoulish Hunger: added % Increased Healing (Forgotten Gods only) and added % Cast Speed
  • Amarasta’s Blade Burst: increased Animation Speed by 20% and significantly increased Cold damage scaling with rank, particularly at ultimate ranks
  • Lethal Assault: increased Duration to 8s
  • Execution: increased base % Weapon damage by 30%
  • Pneumatic Burst: increased Duration to 60s. Increased Energy Cost, % Heal and Health Regeneration scaling with rank.
  • Breath of Belgothian: increased % Health Regeneration to 50%
  • Whirling Death: increased base % Weapon damage by 15%
  • Mark of Torment: increased Energy Cost scaling with rank. Duration and Cooldown are now fixed at 5s and 16s, respectively. % Damage Absorption now starts at 15% and scales to 35% by rank 10, 50% by max ultimate rank.
  • Necrotic Edge: increased base % Weapon damage by 15%
  • Soul Harvest: increased Duration to 8s
  • Reaping Strike: increased base % Weapon damage by 15%

An updated Grimtools link was added, with Amatok instead of partial Wendigo and Ulzuin constellations, new pair of pants and belt with OA instead of DA, maxed Ill Omen and softcapped MoT. New videos too :slightly_smiling_face:.

Have a good time!

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Excellent build, just remember everyone to not pick Necro mastery until siding with Kymon’s chosen at Homestead!


hey guys i just wanted to ask that when i ever kill malkadar in ultimate malkadar always drops ilvl 92 swords instead 94.I am 100 level and before i got level 100 i was getting 94s.Is it a bug or am i missing something ?

He can drop both 92 and 94 lvl swords even on Ultimate at 100 character lvl. Just bad luck, I guess? Try farming more :slightly_smiling_face:.

Hello again, fellow gamers! :slightly_smiling_face:

Let us continue updating builds for current patch. Here are some changes:

  • Ghoul: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 5%
  • Revenant: added 60% Vitality damage, 60% Aether damage amd 20% Stun Resist. Increased % Health to 6%. Removed pet bonuses.
  • Raise the Dead: increased Damage on the summoned pets
  • Dual Blades: increased % Pierce damage scaling with rank to 106% by rank 16, 181% by max ultimate rank. Reduced % Physical Resist scaling with rank to 10% by rank 16, 13% by max ultimate rank.
  • Phantasmal Armor: increased Armor scaling with rank to 200 by rank 12, 402 by max ultimate rank
  • Pneumatic Burst: added % Pierce damage scaling with rank and reduced Health Regeneration scaling at ultimate ranks
  • Shadow Dance: reduced Defensive Ability scaling with rank to 136 by rank 12, 246 by max ultimate rank
  • Harbinger of Souls: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health scaling with rank to 12% by rank 12, 20% by max ultimate rank. Increased % Vitality Decay Duration scaling with rank to 75% by rank 12, 125% by max ultimate rank.
  • Ill Omen: increased % Damage Reduction scaling at ultimate ranks to 35% by max ultimate rank
  • Spectral Binding: increased Health scaling with rank to 1450 by rank 12, 3500 by max ultimate rank. Increased % Aether damage scaling with rank to 120% by rank 12, 240% by max ultimate rank

The build was updated, a new Grimtools link is in main topic. Since heavy %Phys Res nerf across masteries, items and other stuff Leviathan route was chosen instead of Yugol, with little Chariot help. At least we have over 3.000 Armor now :laughing:. Anyway, the build feels almost the same - piano, nice damage, squishy if not paying attention.

Until next time!