[] Possible oversights in some of the items' stats / skills

  1. Groble Ember Effigy and Groble Sky Effigy (both are lvl 12 versions) have flat fire and lightning damage, respectively. Higher lvl versions - or any other green off-hands for that matter - don’t have that.
  2. Venomancer’s Guile (non-mythical) has a granted proc that doesn’t fit helm’s damage type, like, at all. It deals pierce and frostburn, despite helmet being acid/vitality. I know it supports ABB, but given the theme of the item something like posion bolt or something like that should be more fitting (and useful).
  3. Coven Wrath Vestments (regular and Elite versions) have skill bonuses to Oleron’s Rage, which makes little sense because item itself supports aether damage. It’s probably missing % physical damage on it.
  4. Zolhan’s Revenge (non-mythical) provides +2 to Reprisal, whereas mythical version provides support to RF line (Consecration and Retribution).
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In Zolhan’s Revenge case, it could simply be that the focus shifts more to AA with the mod to Zolhan’s Technique compared to the non mythical version (just stating it to avoid only saying that the skill boni of the mythical version are fine for me :wink: )

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