Hello all, ran into a terrain bug at the boss of Crate of Entertainment. Using the Rune of Dreeg`s got into textures from which I could not get out. As it was shown in the video first. Continued and attempts to get out of there on the second video.
Videos taken from this thread:
Hello everyone. I would like to show the Valguur`s Hunger tank build. The builds I collected earlier with the Valguur set could not tank the face of such super bosses as Callagadra. Increasing physical resistance solved that problem. Also thanks for the Decree of Malmuth buff, it gave another source of health regeneration from the totems. The build showed good survivability. The results are on the video below.
GT: Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
[Вальгуур кожура …
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July 28, 2022, 8:06pm
Thanks for the report. Fixed in v1.1.9.7.
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September 26, 2022, 8:06pm
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