Greetings me yet again
Fellow Grenadiers ive been trying to make the aether grenado concept work but im afraid the gear is not well suited for it as alot of it transforms physical or fire to something…
So i came up with this concept and wanted to hear some opinions…
The build has alot of modifiers to the skill and i tried to make something of a hybrid aether/light combo but im afraid the damage will be garbage
Hi narkan10,
what about this alternate devo route with Revenant and Aetherfire (2 points left), for more CC and RR: Sorcerer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator ?
Aetherfire is bound to Thermite Mine as it has no cooldown, so you may spawn many instances quite quickly. I haven’t checked what is gained and lost on stats however.
Also, total % Aether damage looks low indeed. update for this build: I’ve put Grenado DPS pictures for each build in the individual posts, so people can see how big they can push those sweet Grenado numbers. I’m guessing the Cold Grenado has the biggest numbers of all, considering what I’ve seen from people playing the Rimetongue set. That being said, why is Pierce Grenado still so awful? It’s not the weapon, since it was buffed multiple times, but must be the complete lack of sustain with the total lack of skillpoints to rectify it with Blade Trap.
That being said, I’ll introduce one more Grenado build - the Retaliation Grenado.
Thanks to @tqFan for suggesting a different devotion route. Surprisingly, even adding just Dryad’s Blessing made the difference between this build being bootycheecks and doing quite well. Instead of adding more sustain, I went with Shield Wall, which is pretty amazing for a retaliation build, but has a steep devotion cost. Having 18K Health and nearly 4K armor when Shield Wall is up is enough to reduce incoming damage to a manageable level where Dryad’s Blessing is sufficient.
Valdaran is still a pain, but much more doable with the constant healing from Dryad. Thanks again for the big help.
Btw that’s how I make my non-leech builds. Just as many of these as I can. Here’s for example a Flamethrower guy that I tested today because Maska said the gun’s useless Flamethrower - YouTube
I edited the above post - it’s now a much more stable SR75-76 runner. My devotion set-up features Shield Wall instead of Chariot and Behemoth, but the extra tankiness goes such a long way towards making this set-up viable. Thanks again for the suggestions!
EDIT: Since I couldn’t get Pierce Grenado to work, I replaced it with an Aether Grenado build. It’s one of those builds that’s close to being good, but just lacks a few crucial items (mainly DA). The Grenado damage is good, though, and I’ve done a lot better with it than the Pierce version, so I’m satisfied with what I was able to accomplish with what is primarily a meme concept.
SECOND EDIT: Those nice screenshots I put for Grenado damage? I was at the whole time! That means the Grenado damage is much better than you see in the screenshots, and that makes the builds that much more viable. Except the Aether one. That low DA really stings when you have a massive critical hit from a Nemesis OHKO’ing you.