[] Octavius S&B template - Oathkeeper and whatever / SR 75-76 Sub 4

Wear Octavius to win!

Octavius has become another Justicar. What Octavius does in physical S&B builds now is just like what Justicar does in fire S&B builds.

Octavius set (3 pieces: shield, chest armor and helm) provides a huge amount of global flat trauma damage and shield flat trauma damage, which probably should have been modifiers to Aegis, making it easy to have over 10k shield trauma. Some specific builds can even have 16k shield trauma. So what we really need to do is find a %WD skill for shield, and guarantte enough crit. Then Oathkeeper would be the best class.

Octavius together with Oathkeeper has provided sooooo much stats that we need little supplement from another class, so the second class can be whatever.

:shield: The Template :shield:

Select affix to stack % damage and resists and OA.
For relic: if the second class is Soilder, use Doom. Others use Serenity.

For weapon: if the second class provides attack speed, use Totally Normal Shield. Others use Sandclaw Slice or Bargoll’s Root.

For amulets: if the second class does not have a good Damage Reduction skill, use Conduit of Divine Whispers. Others use Azrakaa’s Sands, Averger of Cairn or Peerless Eye of Beronath.

Then you will easily get over 10k trauma on shield, 60+% crit damage, over 3300 OA, and good trauma duration. Just smash everthing!

I’ve done all 8 combinations sub 6 SR 75-76 runs and a friend of mine could even do 4:10.

:shield: Examples of mine :shield:

My videos of 8 combinations: 恐怖黎明 v1.1.9.7 奥套套皮 Octavius - Oathkeeper and a dog_哔哩哔哩bilibili

GT links:

Octavius Cadence Warlord: Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Octavius RF Shieldbreaker: Shieldbreaker, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Octavius RF Oppressor: Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Octavius RF Dervish: Dervish, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Octavius RF Templar: Templar, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Octavius RF Paladin: Paladin, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Octavius RF Archon: Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Octavius RF Sentinel: Sentinel, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Octavius RF Oathkeeper only: Templar, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

:shield: The Best One from my friend :shield:

Now it’s sub 4!(Though 3 short rooms)

Video of 3:53 SR75-76 run: 【恐怖黎明1197】奥3狂热领主3分53秒极限速刷【版本漏洞,飙车之王】_单机游戏热门视频

Video of 4:10 SR75-76 run: 【恐怖黎明1197】凯恩最速传说!奥套贝眼领主4分10秒速刷碎境_单机游戏热门视频

GT links:

Comments and new ideas are welcomed! Hope to see your new builds based on the template.



“prepare to nerf” edition :grin:

Is reflective damage reduction from the shield enough for this build? seems a bit low, but maybe i miss something…

There are reflective damage reduction from the shield, Rebuke, and Serenity relic.
Won’t be a problem if the relic is Serenity. If the second class is Soldier and you take Doom relic instead, take Owl devotion instead of Empty Throne.

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Is there a specifc reason for not using Mark of the Voracious One (Mark of the Voracious One - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database)? Is the bit of flat and 2m additional range more worth than 30% additional weapon damage?

More % damage, more OA/DA, more %resist and 5% crit damage.

The most powerful WD% skills for shield here are Blitz, StromTitan, Amatok’ Breath. Shattering Smash works fine but not the most important, so it doesn’t deserve sacrificing so many global stats.

And for this reason, continue nerfing Shattering Smash won’t work.