[] Ms Melty Marshmallows - Purifier - SR100

Updated for SR100 in v1.2.0.3!

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There are many things I don’t understand about the setup here, but especially for SR100, the deadly aim investment doesn’t make much sense. Looks like it procs on trash only and never on boss room fights (best we can tell it triggers on Moose due to the crystals). Extra points would probably be better spent in the firestrike line

not sure it would even trigger on bosses in 75, where they have 2450 da and the build has about 2200 oa. is this setup specialized purely for super deep sr? i can’t think of a reason to have 3600 da and no crit, otherwise

@eardianm and @nwf Thanks for your comment! Apologies that I am not up to your elite level of theorycrafting. Really appreciate your welcoming positivity and constructive feedback though! I will try better next time to min/max the skills and reallocating some of the Deadly Aim points into the Firestrike line. Cheers :slight_smile:

I like concept art for the build :slight_smile:
Have you tried AI on its?
Also solid build od course :nerd_face:

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Thanks for the comment! The art was first screenshot in the game and then Photoshopped with CG effects like fire particles, atmospheric smoke, and lens flares. No AI was used. The build itself is not all-godly powerful and at the moment, soloing SR100-ish seems to be her limit, but I am happy with how far she has come over the years and hope that other players can have some fun with this concept too. :slight_smile:

So was doing DW Purifier but then came across your build and rather liking it (like lvl 78 atm). Question though, I am at 52/55 for Devo points and looks like the last ones i would go with based on yours would be 3 points into Wraith and I cant really figure out how those would be useful at all.

I really have no experience with theorycrafting in this game tbh but looks like (following your build) all I would get from those 3 points is some increased lightning damage, some lightning retaliation, and 8% aether resist. Meanwhile i could put them into like Behemoth ofr more health/health regen or quill (elemental damage). Am I missing something? :slight_smile:

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No worries! I am not a master theorycrafter either and constantly learning how to be better myself. And actually, you and I think alike! If you check out the latest Grim Tools build that was updated on 2023.11.22 (copy/pasted that link from in the original post for convenience):

you will see that I indeed got rid of the Wraith and have the Quill in there! You will need to juggle some devotions around to access Behemoth, but that might be another option to explore and experiment with as well. Good luck and have pewpewpew fun! :smiley:

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That looks really good, here is what I had shifted wraith points to from your original devotion path: Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator . Still keeps Elemental Storm and Behemoths health regen, increased health, and healing effect boost will boost all the various regens/adcth. Course with Giants Blood simply a “15% chance on hit” I suppose its riskier/less reliable then simply a big shield guaranteed at 60% health but I guess thats like a tradeoff to still keep elemental storm shrug. Also I havent hit 100 or really gotten any of the suggested gear/really gone into SR so yeah…maybe Giant’s Blood isnt strong enough at those levels?

Edit: Oh yeah, just ignore the class trees lol, i just tossed a point into the spots so i could select respective abilities for celestial powers :slight_smile: