[] Return of the Rogue: CR 4.10 / SR 90 / <1min Ravager tanky DW Melee Saboteur by mad_lee

Why are you saying this if you haven’t tested this yourself? The “more damage means things die faster” doesn’t mean much in the SR when nemeses take a while to kill and you have to survive. What you are saying might mean something in crucible, but in the SR you are going to be on the edge of death, and under the ghoul proc multiple times. It is just not possible to kill things faster if you are losing survivability when the nemeses have as much hp as they do.

If you look at DMT’s video, at 12:30, you are going to be instantly vaporized without the defenses and adcth of this build. Also instant death at 12:50. And then the cycle would begin and you would never be able to finish this room. And there are worse circumstances than shown in this video.

I said I hadn’t tested certain interactions with this build in particular. In general I know for a fact 100 more oa and da make a big difference in all places of the game. Unless I’m mistaken I thought this was a general build for all parts of the game, not just SR focused. If I missed that, I was mistaken but I build around the assumption this would be used for Cruc, SR, and boss killing. Naturally Celestials need to be modified for.

Since I wasn’t clear: I was asking his opinion on the difference since it’s his build. I’d prefer the OA/DA.

Well of course you wait for his opinion, but 100 OA/DA does not always mean better if you are trading it for something else. Also, there are thresholds where you get diminishing returns, and this build is already there with 3200/2800. 100 more OA/DA means a lot more when you are below 2800/2800.

I also want to completely agree with the rings being 100% bis as he said. They almost always are in an attack build with large weapon damage that does fire, cold, or both, and needs more adcth to survive.


Yeah I know they’re staples, I was wondering if anything had tested better lately.

@Anonymous918 @Heapheaus This spec has been min-maxed to death. To the point where SR spec has like 15 more points in physique for a comfortable play (and it really makes a difference). Losing 6% physical resist would break the build. It still is a melee Sabouter with bugged melee FS as a source of adtch so even small changes to its balance have a risk of making the build unplayable.

If you test any changes and find out that they improve the build, do report them here, please, I will gladly test them myself and upgrade the build if needed.


I’m leveling a saboteur right now and mu though was to use sacred harmony set, but is there a way to work this build without SR set? I theorycraft something like that https://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2GYklLZ and with a different devotion setup like this https://www.grimtools.com/calc/8NKjR4xZ . I have already better MI’s with more OA, DA, AS and resistances but I’m not sure that will work out well.

It’s much harder to make it work without the set as the class is inherently squishy and anti-synergetic. But you could start with taking resist reduction in devotions (mandatory for any build) and focusing on Cold side of things.

I just want to achieve more equal divided fire and cold damage and RR’s aren’t the problem. But I guess I’m stuck the cold. The problem is overcapping resist, keeping DA and OA over 2.8k without losing too much damage.

You do need to focus on Cold here if you want this build to take you anywhere tho. And RR devotion is a must.

Capping resists/cc-resists on a Sabouter is a pain, that’s why SR set is a great solution here.

I’m aware that it isn’t even for this build RR is a must get to every build I meant the devotions beside RR, I had to use the points for survivability then the dps cries for his mummy, if I use them for damage bonusses then the other stats fail that’s what I meant.

That’s how hard it is to make a working melee build these days. Especially with melee Fire Strike that has bugged adtch (so another survivability problem).

I’ll test the pants in cruc sometime. Summer college just started today so when I find time I’ll do it. Bunch of other stuff I want to comment on and play with but I’ll get around to it.

I built this character in your spec, it was strong then, now it’s even better. I really like playing this one, quick, strong and not too many buttons, it’s pretty easy to play. Like your sorceress too.

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I would also pump Pneumatic to 12/12 since it scales differently at the soft cap now. But other than that, I wouldn’t change much.

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How is this build in new updates? Have you tried killing celestials?

I haven’t tried the celestials, but I’m not a very good player. I have about 25 maxed out builds, this is one of the better ones. I’ve found that mad_lee’s builds have been excellent and done very, very well. This particular build has worked extremely well for me, being a fat-fingered slow reacting player, the new updates haven’t harmed it as far I can tell. It’s pretty easy to play, no piano, very quick and sturdy. I think a good player could push it quite far, crucible I don’t play, but higher SR is OK even for players as slow as me unless you get bad mutators. It’s a fun build, not a tedious one to do the content.


Are there any options for leveling fire->cold conversions?
Would kinda like to try Cold a bit earlier with Legion Firestarters…

I am not sure there are. You can search for them in grimtools item database. Just enter “fire damage converted to cold” in the search bar. I think leveling build would be quite different from endgame one.

Beign a lazy I sorta like leveling Demo more, Nightblade is kinda pita due to only one real way to go and it kinda requires going ranged not to mention Demo gets easy OA and kinda easier constellations.
BUT around mid Elite pure Fire kinda starts to suck w/out solid Physical to overcome res imo.

No actually, you might find some MI/rare weapons with cold>fire roll but really long shots and would be much harder to level. If you’ll not gdstash the char; the only way to level as fire damage; the rest is the same, put points on demo side first, get FS, ES, Flame Touched, Vindictive flame first; then get Blast Shield and Thermite Mine, rest of the demo side no need till 94; then get Dual Blades; weapon pool skills and Pneumatic Burst line along with some points to anatomy of murder and phantasmal armor for stats. You can spend a few points to static strike aswell. Get two Kilrian Skullbreakers from Arkovian Undercity; they’ll carry you till the ultimate.