[] Return of the Rogue: CR 4.10 / SR 90 / <1min Ravager tanky DW Melee Saboteur by mad_lee

Hi, the ones I provided are more or less optimal. Try to get the same amounts of key stats as in my GT.

You need Overseer’s helmet prefix.

What are those? :joy:

Seriously, you can easily craft better ones. You need phys res in this slot. Don’t use generic ones, craftable are ten times better.


can work

Would be easier if you just provide your current grimtools!

Yep sorry I’m quite silly here…
Here it is: Saboteur, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

But there’s a bug cause all my resistance are at 80 (except Slow at 59), and the figures are not the same on the GT for some reasons.

In the meantime I got the mantle and pants, so I’m left to get the boots that can’t drop even after a nearly day of intense farm (SR 75-76).

As you can see I have 4 open slots for augments on armor, I chose to put the 4% health.
Do you think another one would be more efficient?

I thought they were ok… Phys resist is already at 37% without the stat here so a lot of health was helpful.
I don’t know at all what can be crafted though so I’ll have a look :wink:
What would be good crafted boots?

But I nearly have all Epic boots apart from Amatok’s one, so maybe there’s one I could get in the meantime?
Cause crafted boots will lack armor as far as I can see :confused:


you have to overcap Acid, Vitality, Chaos and Elemental by 30% ideally.


something like this

Why? Cause with the buff we have extra 4% on max all res, not 30.


Max res is not the same as overcapped resist. You need to overcap some of the resists to counter incoming resist reduction buffs.

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Vit resist is at 137% overcapped but still I can get one shot by Zinta :wink:
When he raises his arm I know run very far ahah

Thanks for all those advices, I now have everything to finalize it.
Really powerful build well done!

You also need Acid overcap against him. And this is not the build that can eat his full shotgun anyway.

Thank you and good luck!

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One last question, you have +4 in Shadow Dance, but apart from the +3 on the helmet I don’t see where does the fourth point come from?

One last note, you should make build guide on youtube, I’m sure you’d be successful! :wink:

I am only really interested in producing well min-maxed builds and this is my hobby. I am not seeking a career of a youtuber in 38 (you should see how my max janky youtube looks)

Fair enough.
The age is always something relative (45 here) but the envy is different for sure!

Is that normal that Mogdrogen seems impossible to kill with this build or am I just bad? :slight_smile:

Again, thanks for all this.

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you need to overcap your lightning resist by 80%+. But I actually never attempted new sundered mog with this build.

1 Like Update

There was a lot of back and forth testing during the latest test patch and quite a few things had to be nerfed on this build. However after a big overhaul and thanks to the power of Alkamos rings and newly buffed Deathstalker amulet I managed to make the build stronger and even stack some physical resist on it. Long live Leviathan cold meta.

Find the updated grimtools in the op, here are some videos with current build’s performance:

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Was confused about the Leviathan mention, when the linked build does not have it. Then saw that the new and old Grimtools links are the same :wink:

Thanks, fixed that

Hey mad-lee I came across this build after setting up Grigor’s version. While I enjoyed his take on the class your offensive approach to devotions and couple of item differences really mad the class feel punchier. Really enjoying this build and your pierce paladin!

I did have a question about the wps though. Is the double 16% proc from the Seal of the Voids included in the wps proc chance or are they treated separately? Without them I’m seeing 102% chance to proc a wps but adding them into the mix ups that to 134% which seems high. Or perhaps the answer is that even if it does dilute your wps proc adding them is just a straight dps increase regardless. I’m relatively new to the game so if you have the time please enlighten me, thank you.

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Each Seal of the Void procs separate wps. Total wps pool here is 23% (AQC) + 22% (WD) + 23% (Exec.) +32% (Seal of the Void x2) = 100%. Not sure what else you have counted as wps here to get to 134%.

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Ha ha I don’t know how I got to 134% either. But the 10% Ice Spike from Winter Storm and 15% Shadow Bolt from Nex I assumed were WPSs. Reading them more closely I noticed they don’t contain the text “Can activate off of all default weapon attacks”. So they’re not WPS procs just on hit procs similar to chance on crit?

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Yes. They sure are.

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