That’s the actual char/dmg (didn’t died so far🤩)
Can u send me a Grimtools link of your current char, so i can help with the dmg issue?
That’s the actual char/dmg (didn’t died so far🤩)
Can u send me a Grimtools link of your current char, so i can help with the dmg issue?
hi, after i spent 4 point on rat like your instruct, i still didn’t have enough points of primordial to lvl up behemoth
Hi. If you completed viper, you should have already
i completed viper and rat, 1 point on eldritch just like you said but it needs 1 more point of primordial. Should i add 1 point on crossroad? TY
Yeah! Activate the point from crossroads and complete the behemoth.
Hi. I farmed all the monster in astral field but i still couldn’t find gargoyle gaze( i got gargoyle waistguard). Where eles can i farm it? TY
You’re in the right spot buddy, just keep farming the gargoyle mobs
Hello, im new to the game, and Im trying to understand… I have been using this build, binding ABB on right click, using RoS on packs and on cd, shadow strike to engage, and im on the point where I farmed the cold swords with shadow strike… my question is, should I spam now shadow strike instead of ABB? Or just do full rotation? Why are the swords so valuable?
As I said, I just started the game so… I guess is for the damage converted to cold?
Hi! Well, it’s better to do full rotation, since lethal assault from ABB buffs your dmg and RoS helps a lot with the crowd control
I just crossed level 84 and did the wholesale update of all my gear, components, and augments generally following your build guide. With this legendary one hander, my DPS just went over 80K and on Ultimate I’m just walking through mobs and letting my pets clean up the stragglers. Sick build. I’m headed into Act 4 and just face tanking bosses right now while my pets keep the stragglers busy. Super fun.
Let me know if you see anything really problematic in my skill selections. Never very clear to me how to optimize when you get into the marginal gains in offense or defense from any given skill point investment.
Thanks again for your guide. Really really appreciate it.
Your toon looks great, buddy! Gz
I’m curious… you went with Ravager’s Eye for the augment on your axes. I can’t believe its for the pet bonus… is it? If not, then for the DA and Health? I guess I’m just thinking I can find some higher value augments than DA and Health for that slot…haven’t looked but keen to learn your why for that augment.
Well i chose ravager’s eye for it’s HP and DA bonuses since the class has low HP as an disadvantage, but getting the right affixes like “of vitality” on the MI’s can surely be a way for changing the weapon augments without losing survivability
Roger that. I’m in the process of doing my major equipment reconfiguration after clearing level 94, and I haven’t finished adding components and augments yet, but I’ve linked my current build.
I’m really struggling with replacing one or both of these weapons with the Witch Moon. When I assess them in game the DPS is 40-50K less than my main hand and 5 to 10K less than my off-hand. I can’t even figure out how or why my main hand DPS is so ridiculously high relative to every other weapon I compare it to. I’m going to build out my components and augments with the equipment as is, add components and augments to my Witch Moon and then see if that changes the equation in favor of the switch.
I’m still trying to find some Mageguard Leggings and Starfire ring to get this setup closer to yours. I have to revisit my skills a bit too. Noticed you didn’t max out ABB or put more than a point into Blade Spirit so now I’m questioning everything. ;-(
I don’t have any high quality MI’s in the bank for this build but I will look for or farm them once I get done anchoring on legendaries in all slots.
Thanks again for the build and advice.
well, imo you don’t need witch moon bcs with that setup you can play a strong spam-ABB build!
If i may, i would suggest crafting some ugdenbog leathers for boots/belt, attach a consecrated wrappings on gloves and also you have to find a way to increase your stun resist! 28% is super dangerous if you’re playing HC. An easy way is replacing the pants for a dreeg-sect legguards (with good affixes) and the boots (i think mythical wraithwalkers have stun resist)
made some changes and got smth like this
*removed the WPS skills from NB bcs they don’t activate using ABB
** you can change the medal to mythical undying oath or an Ilgorr’s eternal vigil, i think it will be a good improvement too
My plan was ug leather for sure. I have not learned what a good or bad resist is for stun or any other enemy CC ability. I suspect when I do die its because I’m getting stunned so I lose my % of damage health restoration. Just haven’t bothered to test that theory as when I do die it usually happens so fast I barely have time to notice what happened. I’ll pursue the leg and boot alternatives along with the medal alternatives… I’ve never paid any attention to stun resists so this is new territory for me. I’m probably weak on this front on my other capped builds also.
Ha! I now understand your WPS skills from NB comment! I fundamentally did not understand what “default weapon attack” meant. I assumed it meant whatever skill I attached to the left mouse button, but in retrospect that was a glaringly stupid assumption as I kinda knew something wasn’t quite right about that.
Also, I’m guessing consecrated wraps on hands for the attack speed boost because I don’t think chaos damage helps me much and the chaos resistance can be gotten from other augments. Is the attack speed boost the best use of component on the hand slot in this situation?
Yes! Attack speed is mandatory for melee builds
Great guide! I used it for my very first character and just reached 100. I transitioned more to an ABB build because of the drops I got instead of an RoS build, but it’s working very well for all the content I’ve tried so far.
I have a couple of questions:
Hi! Thank your the reply!
Sure you can exchange the skill point distribution!
1(b). Yeah, i think overload is slightly better than EA for dmg
I think they really don’t stack, but i’m not sure if the %RR from viper lasts more than the 3 secs, so i think its a good idea having the ultos %RR too