Pet Changes

Do Briarthorn and Primal Spirit have built-in multi-target base attacks now? I’ve been playing a lot of pet builds recently and they seem to just destroy packs, but I can’t tell if its retal or unlisted multi-target attacks as the tooltip does not mention multi-targeting.

Also, can the Reap Spirit/Sundered Wraith nova attack be added to the tooltip, please? I know GD tooltips are notoriously both bloated and misleading, but a vitality nova with 125% weapon damage is nothing to sneeze at.

it’s never retal when it’s pet, retal sucks for pets as they cant’ scale it

they always did, you can view their innate skills on GT
*and yes those attacks got buffed last patch/pet auto attacks got reduced and their cooldown attacks got massive increased (and lowered cooldown), - whcih is where their aoe attacks are

Grim Dawn Pet Database *this is not the same Ground Slam as you put skill points in, just for some reason devs decided to name them the same

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Oak Skin + Briarrbutt’s aura + Aspect of the Guardian + Mythical Wildshorn Legguards
but yeah, retal dmg on pets is still sucks :slight_smile:

BoD = 168 retal
Butt aura+guardian+oakskin=353%retal
assuming we max roll pants that’s 1293% retal
168x14 = 2352 acid specific retal
i think it’s fair to say that’s “unscaled” retal when it’s such a pittance amount? :smile:

heck, add in bird retal and doggo aura combined ontop of Briars innate (unshared) 750+420+168 and Briar (not the others) is getting a grand total 19k retal :sweat_smile:

  • 218 flat ele from Storm Spirit (12/12) + in-built Briar’s 744 flat phys + doggo aura etc etc

already addressed :wink: