[] Purifier full Ulzuin - why can't he burn?


this the Purifier i am playing, covered a long way from Desolator with Mythical Justicar set towards full Ulzuin (5 pieces).

I remember people posting here 4-piece lightning Ulzuin builds (as set supports both fire and lightning), but i always wanted to use it as full set, with weapon - and as a fire raging god.

back before (in this setup managed to run circles around Ravager of Souls, burning him pretty safely without much trouble (no facetanking, of course, but still).

Mogdrogen was killed back in era of Desolator + Mythical Justicar so i don’t know how this setup would handle him.

Did not try Crate and Callagadra with it.

SR 75-76 is slow, 7-8 minutes (as expected), i pull bosses at two + two, not all together and not one by one.

What can be improved?

I have not decided if it’s worth to maxing either Grenado or High Impact as there are no points for it.
BWC for flat RR
no Seal as no points for it, Inquisitor line is rather scarce, maxed Aura of Censure, Word of Renewal line + 1 point in Deadly Aim.

I tried Fiend instead of Wayward Soul - not much added damage but big hit to survivability.

What would you change to improve this? Sticking to full Ulzuin set as a concept and keeping the fire damage.

I personally don’t think weapon damage to Canister Bomb is doing anything here, you cannot leech from it, it’s very gimmicky bonus.

Markovian set provides bonuses to two skills (Blitz and Markovian advantage).
Ultos set proides bonuses to two skills (Savagery and Primal Strike
Runebinder provides bonuses to both Runes (Hagarrad and Kalastor).

Meteor from Annihilation will benefit from it, as well as Meteor Shower from Ulzuin’s Torch.

I find it disappointing that Demolitionist is able to transmute core fire skills like Grenado and Canister Bomb to Lightning by using simple skill modifiers - while full set does not grant it.

Yes, there is mythical Hellborne with +2 to Demo and +2 to Inquisitor, but it is more of retaliation weapon and you lose HP, OA, CDR, RR on the proc and there are Cindercores - which only grant +2 to Grenado/+2 to Canister Bomb, converting 100% physical to fire both for Grenado and for Canister Bomb, though pierce damage remains unconverted and it requires breaking full set again.

Maybe it makes more sense to add global physical converted to fire and remove weapon damage and radius to Canister Bomb?



tinkered around with other setups:

  1. Adding Blazeseer mainly for the proc, i don’t think this set does any justice to Ulzuin:

Purifier, Ulzuin + Blazeseer (Crab) - defensive setup with Crab
Purifier, Ulzuin + Blazeeser (Hyrian) - offensive setup with Hyrian, the increase in armor is significant though

Turns out, vessel can even fit Mythical Augur set:

Purifier, Ulzuin + Augur

Though double Cindercore would look like this (dropping Kraken does not seem to add a lot here):

Purifier, Ulzuin +2xCindercore

What’s the public opinion on full Ulzuin set then?

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I’m wondering if going heavy into grenado is worth it. You don’t have any modifiers for it and the base skill does physical damage, which is not useful to you. If you do want to use it, it’s probably best taking the lightning transmuter on it. I’d still just one point the base probably. Maybe add some points to blackwater cocktail? :thinking:

Blazeseer doesn’t look like it brings you much. OA/DA is worse, little more fire damage.

I’d think the Ulzuin’s flame proc on the flamespreader is better than what you get from cindercore.

I haven’t played it, so I find it a bit hard to give more advice.

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Idk, I played full Ulzuin Shield breaker in or smth, and it just felt meh to me. I’m not exactly up to date with it now, and I started fresh after the new PC so I don’t have my old saves.

But I didn’t like it very much in SR, great AoE but no ‘real damage’ feel. I think I played with full Blazeseer set as well iirc.

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Thanks, this is why i am speculating for global physical to fire damage on Grenado on 5-piece bonus to align the set with other mastery-specific sets from my example which supports two skills instead of one.

Blazeseer on Shiedlbreaker makes more sense as it adds points to Guardians of Empyrion indeed.