This is now in a pretty good place, not as fast as mad lee’s take on this, but it can do SR85-86 pretty well now :3 And can facetank quite a lot of things.
And interestingly Rune of Hagarrad works pretty damn well with this. Was using Flashbang, but despite the cooldown RoH actually helps more, namely due to it’s higher DA shred, but also the DoT it adds. Which stacks with everything else to increase overall DPS.
Main week spot - low Physical Resistance, but outside of shield builds that’s hard to get on Purifiers, so as you can see in the vid I have to hide from Moo’s ice meteors due to their high physical damage. Otherwise eats sunders for breakfast in the current build.
Anyhow, I can haz feedback? Because at the moment I am rather stuff upped from 3 nights of crap sleep + the usual sleep issues. So brain’s not working 100% And I’ve likely fluffed up somewhere.
Otherwise I’d have chewed on more terfs on twitter lawl.
Also messing around with mad lee’s to make it more SR85-86 capable and still maintain it’s focuses.