I started my first serious HC playthrough a few weeks ago following this guide. The progression has been solid; I like that it only relies on yellows, single rare greens, and some easy-to-get blues. I have made one major change that I cover later.
Although I took my time, only two fights really slowed me down during the base game normal.
Balthazar took some hit-and-run work. Voldrak hit like a truck as expected and dropped a garbage Trollcrusher. I decided not to farm him until a few levels and shrines later, which was still dicey but then he dropped something good. I avoided Bolvar and Rutnick because well . . . Bolvar and Rutnick are terrifying during progression.
Sometime around level 60 I was feeling fairly immortal when my abusive ex Fevered Rage started whispering in my ear: “Hey baby, we could spend time together again. Remember how good it was with 25% DA shred? It will only cost you 2 skill points. Just think how much fun we’ll have if you just slot a point into Bloody Pox and pick me up as well. I promise you’re strong enough. You can handle it.”
So, I did get back together with Fevered Rage (FR) and bound Assassin’s Mark to Bloody Pox for more activation ticks vs bosses. So far, when judiciously used,FR worked extremely well. FR absolutely requires max stun resistance and max slow resistance, but with this build the drawbacks don’t seem to slow it down. I cleared SR31 on normal using FR no problem. I haven’t tried to push SR on Ultimate yet. For now, I will continue gently easing into FR at level 97 in ultimate end game after I farm Deathstalker. Someone with a Soft Core character would be able to test FR more quickly against end game content.
Overall this is solid build guide with great new player progression guidance AND seems to be Fevered Rage “friendly”.
EDIT: I received a couple questions about FR for this build. The 25% DA shred is no joke because laceration provides a 47% crit damage bonus at level 20. With the other DA shred skills in the build, FR reduces a 2000 DA enemy to maybe 1000 DA. Crit chances jump to 35 to 40%, and some of those crits scale up based on the PTH mechanics of critcal attacks. The result is a good 30% to 40% DPS increase when using blade arc with the basic “safe” build outlined above. Many people feel FR is a cast-and-kite skill; it does not need to be so and can really help melee builds.
For me, FR is a no brainer in soft core. I’m still feeling out the end game potential risks in hard core.
If you run, it be careful. Some monsters can wreck face without the FR buffs. I suppose that popping bloody pox with FR on Zantarin right before he shotguns you in the face with his defense shattering attack would kill anyone.
2nd EDIT: Just tested it. I was getting alot of crit multipliers topping out at 1.97x, but most averaging in the 1.5x range.