[] Beginner-Guide: The Chonkblade. Near invincible tank to take down Celestials

Ok cool, thanks for clarifying.

On another note, you only speak about the node Veterancy on the “Leveling to 100” section, but you are using it since the lvl 25 GT link, forgot to include it on the leveling detailed description or the most accurate way is to follow the gt link?

Thanks again, and again… awesome guide. Almost finishing Necropolis, and it has been a blast.


Trust the link when in doubt, the leveling notes are subject to human error.

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threw together some MIs and tried this out on a level 35 character I had sitting around. Hitting like a dump truck currently but can see how the damage will fall off in ultimate. Some of those fights in your SR run were “go get a beer from the fridge and come back” looking. Does the dam situation get better with some purples?

The class fantasy of screaming curses at enemies and hacking them to pieces is fun though

I recommend you already have a chilled beverage at your side before you start the run.
Then you can relax and watch Seinfeld reruns on your 2nd monitor while you play. :wink:

I’ll need some time to hammer out variants and an endgame config, but I am pretty certain you can cut down kill times a fair bit with good legendaries and better (but realistic) affixes on the greens.

Or you can spec into sth with hefty DPS instead of massive regen, like this one:
Leviathan/Warborn Witchblade by sk_choi

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Phenomenal guide!

Any suggestions for us who absolutely love the game, but don’t have the DLC to get the weapon/shield set? :smiley:

I’m currently at lvl 50 with Voldrak’s Crusher.

Thanks in advance.

I take it you don’t have Forgotten Gods?

Then maybe you can craft a Gutcrush Warmaul at level 94 and use this variant:

(except with Gutcrush instead,and using whatever physical two-hander you can find along the way)

Unfortunately I don’t think there are a lot of weapons for leveling Sword & Board Blade Arc outside of FG.
You could try to pick up Bargoll’s Root. At least that is a decent physical weapon.

No guarantees it’ll perform exactly the same, but it will get you through.

[Without both FG or AoM, I wouldn’t even have an idea where to begin.]

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