I used a champions merit to unlock elite difficulty on a fresh hardcore character. Continuing through normal/veteran I defeated Loghorrean and discovered that ultimate difficulty was not unlocked for me. I assume the elite merits are so seldom used that no one has noticed this before. Also I’m using the x64 version of the game.
This is not a bug. By unlocking Elite this way, you circumvented the unlock on Normal already.
but shouldn’t ultimate difficulty also be unlocked by defeating Loghorrean on normal/veteran? or does the merit, the one that only unlocks elite, change this?
Clearing Normal unlocks Elite.
Champions Merit unlocks Elite.
Clearing Elite unlocks Ultimate.
Ultimate is not unlocked by clearing Normal 2 times (playthrough + merit).
Nowadays, beating Normal/Veteran Log unlocks both Elite and Ultimate.
The merit seems to interfere with that.
It seems like the merit disables the whole effect and not just the part about unlocking elite.
Here is a video of me recreating the bug, I defeat Loghorrean on normal and ultimate doesn’t unlock.
shoot, no shit?
damn, thx for clarifying!
I don’t know why it is like that, but if you already have elite unlocked by the moment you beat loghorrean on normal (char made before patch 1.2 that killed loghorrean on normal already, for example), ultimate doesn’t get unlocked no matter what. Like ultimate unlock only triggers if elite unlock triggered successfully, or something like that.
The only “workaround” I found it to use GDStash to lock elite and then kill loghorrean again, then you get both elite and ultimate unlocked properly. Would be nice if Crate fixed it so regardless of whether you have elite unlocked already or not, killing loghorrean was unlocknig ultimate
This has also happened to me I’m pretty sure - had to go into gdstash and change the difficulty
I believe this is fixed in playtesting. I just grabbed a very old character that had elite unlocked, naturally, applied an ultimate merit while in elite and it did unlock ultimate + all the elite waypoints.
the “bug” is about using Elite merit + subsequent manual loghorrean Normal kill interaction, not Ultimate merit
basically the Loghorrean kill trigger is tied with both elite and ult unlock, so when Elite merits unlocks elite, and you go kill Logh on Normal, you dont’ get the Ultimate unlock like you would killing Logh on Normal without using merit
But this trigger action interaction overlap is then not a real bug (as per Z’s reply)
There’s one thing that really sucks about merits though.
You HAVE to use it before killing Log on Normal. If you already killed him and try to use it, it’ll just say “already unlocked this difficulty” and you’ll have to unlock everything manually (riftgates, skill points from quests, inventory bags).
I often use a merit to be able to fast-forward thru Elite to get some quick XP from the main quest and grab some devo shrines before starting the final full Ultimate playthrough, but if it’s already unlocked via killing Log that opportunity is gone forever (unless it’s possible to revert it somehow with GDstash? I dunno).
Happened to me a few times cos I simply forgot… sure its my own fault but I wish the merit was always usable no matter what…
I don’t even use merits, but your proposition would make it easier to explain merits to new players. “This is what merits do, no matter where you use them.” Less confusion is good.