[] Beginner fire 2H melee vindicator- The luminari fire warrior- suitable for first char

Hey there GD community!

Finally back to the forum after days and days of grinding on the GD league season 06 :smile:

Well, after the season and the new patch arrival, i decided to wipe out all my previous chars and data, and started from scratch again (ok, call me masochist LOL)

My idea here was a first char with good AoE and single target damage, and i always wanted to develop something around Blazerush - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database

Had a lot of fun building this fire juggernaut! Build have a lot of RR sources and nice damage… If you want a char that can facetank almost all vanilla content, bashing the f… out of cairn scum while a show of fire skills procs around you, this build’s for you.

Actual char: Vindicator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I’ll show you my leveling process:

Lvl 1-10 Vindicator, Level 10 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Started as Inquisitor. Spend some points on word of pain and storm box of elgoloth! These two combined skills melt all your enemies fast on game’s first phases.

Lvl 10-20 Vindicator, Level 20 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

When you got lvl 10 and on, start spending points on the Shaman mastery bar until you get wind devil and raging tempest, this will help a lot clearing the trash mob and even the bosses. On devotions, start with fiend and bind it’s proc to wind devil.

Lvl 20-30 Vindicator, Level 30 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

At this point you should have killed warden krieg and started heading towards cronley’s. Max out raging tempest, then start spending points on inquisitor’s mastery bar. When you finish off cronley, go left of twin falls and search for wasp hive to get a good leveling MI, the Ulraprax's Sting - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database, it will boost storm box of elgoloth dmg and gives us precious +1 to inquisitor skills. On devotions, complete Ghoul. Don’t forget to activate monster totems to upgrade gear/exp gain.

Lvl 30-40 Vindicator, Level 40 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

When you get to Homestead, be sure to complete all their quests, we’re gonna need a very useful weapon from them to help our leveling, the Solar Sledge - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database
Spend points on inquisitor’s mastery bar until you get access to Aura of censure, then max it (leave it on 12/12), on devotions, complete Behemoth.

Lvl 40-50 Vindicator, Level 50 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

After getting respected status with homestead, buy the solar sledge weapon and respec the points of storm box of elgoloth to savagery and its modifier nodes. Spend points on Inquisitor seal and a point on Wendigo totem for a safer gameplay. On devotions, complete magi (bind it’s proc to wind devil) , Solael’s witchblade (bind it’s proc to word of pain) and kraken (don’t forget to bind the fiend proc to savagery). After defeating the loghorrean, i did the FG DLC quests (for getting the devotion primarily) and after that i completed the AoM DLC.

Lvl 50-60 Vindicator, Level 60 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Started Elite at lvl 52. Upgrade you gear, cap resistances and activate all monster totems on your way. On devotions, complete Alladrah’s phoenix (bind it’s proc to upheaval) and ulzuin’s torch (bind it’s proc to inquisitor’s seal).

Lvl 60-70 Vindicator, Level 70 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

On this stage, you should be honored with almost all factions, don’t forget to buy their reputation boosters and do all the bounties you can to homestead until you get revered, for updating our lvl35 solar sledge to the lvl70 weapon.

Lvl 70-80 Vindicator, Level 80 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Started ultimate on lvl72. Upgrade gear, activate moster totems, cap resistances! Now you should be on a rush to complete the vanilla quests and the two DLC’s.

Lvl 80-90 Vindicator, Level 90 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

At this point you should got revered with most factions. When you get revered with malmouth resistance , buy their potions to boost your exp gain! Don’t forget to buy their Heart of Malmouth - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database blueprint and craft it, and buy two Malmouth Arcane Seal - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database . Go to coven’s refuge and buy your shoulder armor Elite Coven Arcane Mantle - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database and i crafted a Coven Lethal Girdle - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database until i got a better belt farming Ancient Grove. Don’t forget to buy our main weapon blueprint, the Blazerush - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database . On medal, you can use a Rylok Crest until you drop the Mythical Korvaak's Brand - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database. i used Elite Harvest Grips - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database on hands and Elite Legion Greaves - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database on foot. On pants, go farm the guardian of dreeg near devil’s crossing until you get a decent Dreeg-Sect Legguards - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database.

LVL 94 Vindicator, Level 94 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

When you get lvl94, use a fettan mask while farming our main helm for this build, the Horns of Korvaak - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database, i even recorded a video of the farming process, it’s smooth and safe.


Char actual spec Vindicator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

After farming some better components and items BP’s, that’s the actual Luminari Fire Warrior. This char can clear all skeleton key dungeons, easy facetanking their bosses. I believe this char can take the SR65 challenge, but didn’t got the time to climb all the way up yet. Gonna bring updates soon.

Here’s some video proof

( Beginner fire 2H melee Vindicator x Rashalga

( Beginner fire 2H melee Vindicator x Theodin Marcell

( Beginner fire 2H melee Vindicator x Morgoneth

( Beginner fire 2H melee Vindicator x Kra’vall

( Beginner fire 2H melee Vindicator x Kubacabra

( Beginner fire 2H melee Vindicator x Gargabol

( Beginner fire 2H melee Vindicator x Korvaak

Thank you for reading!


If its true then the Wind devils will be permanent pet not temporary like it is in correct.

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Yes, it’s true. With v1.2.1.0 Wind Devils are now permanent summons like Guardians and Blade Spirits.


Hey man thank you for your guide! I’m new player and following your guide. But I’m bit confused by which items to equip? I mean which stats is important when I choose an item?

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Hey there buddy! Ty for the reply! Well, until you get the solar sledge weapon from homestead, you can equip whatever weapon and shield or off-hand you want, just use word of pain and storm box of elgoloth to melt down your enemies. I suggest you activate all monster totems you find on your way, you will get a lot of useful rare items (the green ones) they’re gonna help improve your defenses and RESISTANCES, resistances are VERY IMPORTANT on Grim Dawn.
Talking about that, it’s a good idea going on the blacksmith early and craft two wardstones for your amulet and medal, some antivenom salve (2 or 3) and when you’re able to, one or two silk swatchs. This, combined to the Slith primal ring you can obtain doing the nomad guy quest on wightmire will help a lot going trough the early struggle on the game.
About stats, until you get respected with homestead, search for weapons that boosts lightning/elemental damage for boosting word of pain/ storm box of elgoloth. After obtaining the respected status and the solar sledge, search for items that boosts our main fire damage