1h+shield Blademaster endgame viable?

Hey guys,
im moderatly new in GD and want to play a 1h+shield Blademaster, but im not sure if this is viable in endgame .
I imagine something like this http://grimcalc.com/build/KsOhmG7 with physical, bleeding and a bit internal trauma damage. Can I play this in Ultimate ? Or should I play Dual Wielding?

(And sry for my english, its not my motherlanguage)

The problem with this build (and this class combo in general, when discussing 1h + shield) is it lacks the needed resistance reduction. While any shield build needs Soldier as a base adding Nightblade to the mix really doesn’t add much. You’d be far better off taking occultist for Curse of Fraility and potentially Blood of Dreeg. PS of the passive skills along the bottem row of Soldier Scars of Battle is in the top 2 or top 3 depending on build. Veterancy and Decorated Soldier pale in comparison to Scars - the CC reduction and Armor absorb is hot.

I’d suggest reading over this buildto see a starting point - not necessarily a ‘best build’ but just a starting point. Keep in mind that is a straight up physical build that uses a shield for defense and beats opponents into submission. Minimal AoE which you’d need to supplement with some AoE devotions - you’ll also need Assassin’s Blade to maximize the -resists potential. Tons of healing and should Cadence fairly hard though - and can reach over -100% physical resistance which makes even the most hardened targets fall with ease. Could be taken in either of two directions from there - stack in some more shield devotions and some ‘on block’ effects or go all out melee cadence and just use the shield for defense. Once your gear based defenses pick up you may also try Oleron’s Rage instead of Menhir’s Bulwark.

you can use a Dermapteran Slicer with blade of nadaan (devotion) for a full conversion of physical to piercing and take advantage of Night’s Chill.

the main advantage going Nightblade over occultist may be Blade of Wrath attached to Blade Spirit and Anatomy of murder if you wanna focus the cunning stats distritution.

Overall i dunno if its better than Occultist or not, but i’am thinkin about it since a while now. :>

It’s viable, if you go for 100% armour piercing Pierce damage. OF course, it isnt supported by Markovian’s Set (but if you dont have it, it hardly matters), but it’s still very viable, i think. DW BM is good only if you have really great items.