2 mods its possible?

Ah well, if that’s the case then I’m content with just swapping the files in the 2nd mod. But when I try and use the transmog for an empty helmet courtesy of Ashes of Malmouth, the hair REALLY starts to glitch out and the top of the hair just disappears. If I knew what file to replace and how I’d’ve definitely done so by now. Any idea what that might be?

same on my side, maybe ask the author :thinking:

Alright, that probably makes more sense. They don’t seem to have logged in anytime recently so I’m a bit worried it’s another wall or dead end, but thanks for entertaining my questions atleast. Before I do ask though, is it possible to replace the ingame models and textures like the face/hair mod did, including options from the DLCs? Or is that ultimately down to a Custom Map mod?

but I think they responded recently after someone messages in their thread

Custom Mod is not needed. You can hard-mod the game as in the instruction above, that is

  • you copy Hairstyist.arz to mods, rename it to database.arz
  • you copy two .arc files from this mod there too, no renaming
  • you run some game .exe with basemod option

now your mod works in Main Campaign / Crucible

more details above

I tried that before and it made the hairstyle mod work with Main Campaign like you mentioned, but not with the hair/face mod itself which is what I was actually going for. But push comes to shove I’ll try and find some way to replace the Hide Helmet transmog or just message the individual mod others and see what happens. Fingers crossed I can get these two mods to combine right. Thanks either way!

:ok_hand: I recommend asking on Grim Dawn Discord too, feels like more people are active there these days that should now more about textures, meshes and all of these things

I did the whole process but when I run the new shortcut, the game stays on black screen, pls help!

do you happen to be trying to use the x64 exe directly from the x64 folder? because that will result in black screen

Im still confused. But then again my head is foggy because of meds :smiley:
But to be clear
In the game i pick the mod i want to play and if i pick lets say mod 1 and i also want mod 2 to work…
Do i then copy and rename the mod 2 .arz file and pick mod 1 in the game menu?

yes, this will make mod 2 be applied first for the whole game (and Main Campaign)
and then you apply mod 1 on top by playing / choosing it in Custom

also don’t forget about .arc files if the mod 2 contains it

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is it possible to still launch this from steam (for achievements and tracking of play time


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add /basemods in your launch commands (right click GD steam library and set it)

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Shortcut works for me too. And you don’t have to edit launch options in Steam every time you want to switch

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So, this method works for 2 mods, but what if you wanted 3? Is there a method that does that too? Is it the same method above but with a slightly different step when copying a mod after the 1st to the mod folder?

To merge N mods, draw single-elimination tournament table for N players, fill it with mods and merge according to the table.

I have no idea what you’re talking about, but i will do that.

If one of the mods is your personal mod built in Asset Manager then yes, I think you could stack 3 mods on top of each other without merging any mods:

  • hardmod / build the 1st one into game’s files (or into some of the mods .arz)
  • the 2nd with /basemods
  • and the 3rd in Custom Game

But if you have 3 mods you downloaded from somewhere, you’d have to unpack and rebuild one of them to hardmod it into game’s file.