20 of 83 villagers abandoned houses even though desirability is on par - v0.7.2

20 of my 83 villagers left abandoned their houses even though desirability is on par with the rest of the settlement (25-30%) and there isn’t any empty houses. They have all their needs except luxury item which is required for tier 3 while they are only tier 2.
I assume this is a bug as it sounds a bit ridiculous.

Homesteads and above require at least 30% desirability, so if they are in the 25-30% range, that would be why they became abandoned.

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Oh I see now what happened. I disabled Healer’s House for a bit and they dropped below 30 I guess. Would it be possible to get a warning first instead of immediate abandoning?
Thanks for the reply!

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There is a warning, a yellow icon appears over homes in danger of abandonment. Then it takes several months before they become abandoned.

Must have missed it then. Thanks.

You probably didn’t miss it. Icons almost never appear for these things.


That you get a warning is not always true: I had a pub destroyed by raiders last week (in real time), and all the surrounding Large Houses instantly abandoned.

(Tbf, the problem here may not have a been a lack of warning: the warning may have just lasted zero time due to the lack of delay in abandonment!).

Thank you guys, I knew I didn’t miss it but then again I didn’t keep monitoring houses so wasn’t 100% :smiley:

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