2hand Witch Hunter Builds?

So I was running multiplayer last night and was paired with a 2h Witch Hunter who was just melting groups of mobs. The build looked like fun and I wanted to search for some builds but noticed mostly DW builds or 2H range builds. Does anyone have a 2h melee build or can point me to one? Thanks in advance!

nightblade is primarily a dw mastery. However, you can get pretty good results by focusing on transmuted Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Shadow Strike, and in the early game: Bloody Pox.

Yeah I’m newish so not as familiar with all of the abilities of the classes. He seemed poison / acid primarily. Seemed like a fun build but I’m still trying other people’s guides instead of trying to make my own. Couldnt find a guide for his build so I guess I’ll Frakenstein bits / pieces of my best educated guess of his build to try it out.

See [] The Nightshade WH - Up to 1.2m damage in ~1.5 seconds (170 viable)
There is also a non-mythical version of the weapon: Nightshade’s Reach

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And just like that, you became my new best friend. Thanks. I was using the search engine for this build but could not find it. I appreciate the assist.