Remove Armor Piercing from Deathdealer's Sidearm

Deathdealer’s Sidearm itself doesn’t have any Pierce bonuses, and 33% Armor Piercing makes 33% damage completely wasted if you use it with pure Physical build, and various skills are also listed. Is it intended to work like that?

I suppose to remove Armor Piercing from this weapon entirely.

This is a very old topic.

It would require changing all guns really or making this one special i guess. Bullets pierce though:)

Phys/pierce guns (not rifles) are in a weird spot atm

It’s not completely wasted. you still have Pierce rr IF you play Tactician with havoc and make it pierce/phys, but Death knight only has Assassin’s mark for phys/pierce rr. At least the vit flat converted to phys won’t be converted to pierce I think

I mentioned that very few gladiator gunners are physical and decided to make one using Deathdealer’s Sidearm, but this Armor Piercing makes me mad. Gunners seem deprived, they lose damage because nothing.

Edit: I plan to build a physical Death Knight with 2 Deathdealers. Will see what happen next

This has been my big peeve recently too. I’ve been wanting to make a Havoc build but I just can’t bring myself to do it. That AP just looks awful.

The weapon itself is pretty damn strong when you look at it overall. And that proc it has. 2x guns it’s like 20% to get an extra cadence.

With Soul harvest and deadly momentum it should pack a whallop anyway. The high bonuses it has tells me they took the % pierce into consideration kinda. They could have just made it 25% ratio though. Sounds more reasonable

Yeah. Havoc has lower AP than Deathdealer which is ironic. Even with Rime ammy. It’s why people build it phys/pierce

I have something like this in mind.
Not even close to Leviathan Cadence, but still 15k per gun, looks promising. Still, I highly doubt it can beat Gladiator

I have no doubt it can beat it lol. It’s Death knight. But how well he can do it. That is the question. You might be in for a surprise :smiley: Especially with crucible bonuses.

Dmg looks fair. Leviathan has over 30 K but this is DW cadence

Death Knight for the win!

I totally +1 this. This gun is a physical gun and deals 33% of its damage as pierce damage, which is stupid. It’s a Soldier/Necromancer gun and if you actually wanted to build this gun you deal only 67% of its total damage and if you wanted to go pierce damage, you’d end up with 42% pierce RR at best (or you’d just go soldier/nightblade or soldier/inquisitor).

Fun fact: it has higher armor piercing than any other pistol despite not having pierce modifiers :rolleyes:

I say reduce the armor piercing to 18-20% (the minimum for physical legendary guns).

On a related note, there are very few legendary pistols with default attack piercing support, so this 33% armor piercing modifier could be better used on a new gun with piercing support.

I thought the hire armor piercing value is for balance reason. If there’s no armor piercing, then maybe its other bonuses will be adjusted. I think that’s how Crate usually approach stuff like this.

Armor piercing also affects all abilities with physical damage built-in, isn’t it better to balance things in other ways?

Someone’s salty. :stuck_out_tongue:

What IS the average armor piercing value on guns?

15-27%, but this gun is unique and have 33%

In fact, the only way to make a pierce build with pistols is to use two bladetwisters and a pack of treacherous means, with pistols that have elemental base damage. This works pretty well, but it’s far from ideal. The cost of giving up both ring slots and the belt is harsh.

Here I was thinking that armor piercing just meant that the % shown just ignored armor.
So 33% of the physical damage dealt was not reduced by the armor of the enemy

Well, that isn’t incorrect. :stuck_out_tongue:

Armor Piercing converts Physical Weapon Damage to Piercing Damage. Armor only blocks Physical Damage, so the Piercing Damage will bypass enemy Armor. However, Physical and Piercing are scaled on different stats (% Physical and % Piercing) and have different Resists too.

Why? I don’t understand why people insist on these sort of changes. It doesn’t affect the game whatsoever. I mean, it doesn’t. Since it doesn’t hurt the game, why not just leave it as it is and focus on issues that actually matter? :confused:

Because people want physical guns? I mean, pretty much every damage type can do every weapon, but phyiscal is gimped by pierce when it comes to ranged weapons.

Don’t think it hurts to add more build diversity.

Name a few, then.

Innate Armor Piercing has bugged me ever since we got Conversion in 201(5?).