A better place

Yesterday my first hardcore character died, at first i could not realize how i felt but now i am peace with it. He is in a better place in the world of Cairn (probably not). I found the answer in theses wise words.

" You know, you walk out the door. You see someone that you know, and they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you’re fine, when you’re not really fine, but you just can’t get into it because they would never understand." -Katy Perry

He was a level 100 warlord with decent mythicals, died during SR65 in normal mode. Although he had 16k hp with turtle shell and with defensive items he had been 1 shotted by Grava. It was a instant death for him, he did not suffer, that is the way i was hoping for him instead of a slow death (lmao).

I have written these words for the good memeries of him. Now i dont wanna delete him but he is there on the clouds doing nothing. Each time i see him pale af i feel the loss again. I cannot reach him. If there would be a heaven(probably hell) in the map that i can leave that would be the closer for me :sob:face: .

I suggest a different tab or tabs in the main menu to sort my characters, that would be blast for a dude with OCD like me.

something like this? Honoring the Dead

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Meh, you’ll be aight :stuck_out_tongue: First hardcore loss was my pet cabalist. Learned the value of defensive ability (I had 2200) I only cared about pet stats and nemesis would melt in a few seconds but that one crit was all it took, poof. I had no problems deleting him. Only the strong survive!