A few questions on skills regarding items/npcs

Hello there, I have a few questions regarding a mastery I have an idea for.

  • Is there a way to create a skill that creates items ? Either add them to the inventory or drop them on the ground
  • Is there a way to create a skill that spawns an merchant-type npc ? Or a quest npc ?
  • Is there a way to create skills that consumes items in the inventory ?
  • Is there a way to create throwable weapons (not talking about the animation part, more about the fact that you have some sort of ammunition system)

I have no clue on most of those problems so if anybody has an hint or some workaround for any of those (especially the first two) it would be great !

Thanks guys

Yes there are multiple ways to archive both. One would be to spawn an invisible monster that dies after 0.1 secs and either executes a script to give you the items or drop them directly.

Yep, use an invisible creature for 0.1 secs again and give it a proxy which spawns your npcs. If you look under “Death Parameters” you’ll find two entries called “chanceToSpawnOnDeath” and “poolToSpawnOnDeath” so you can even set a chance for that.

The pool entry requires a special type of pool (templatename: “spawnondeathpool.tpl”)

Yes, also using invisible pets which will execute a script which will check if the player has the required item (if yes, remove it) and then will spawn an invisible monster that executes the actual skill.

Much to do but should work.

Sure, make them consumables that will execute a skill that throwns a projectile which has the mesh of a certain weapon.

Wow thanks a lot ! I was hoping at least one of those were possible but they all are, that’s great !
I’ll look into that. In the meantime I have seen this word “Pool” everywhere but I can’t get my head around what it stands for ? I got the proxy but what is a pool ?

proxies are objects that can be placed in the editor. They also randomize the pools that can be used with the proxy.

Pools are randomized tables that contain informations on how much monster may spawn, how much usual ones and how much champions and also which ones as they have weights with which you can set spawn chances.