A new Oldbie.

Hello all!
I was one of the original Kickstarter backer. But had not played the game until yesterday. ( Hence a new oldbie )

I usually do not like playing early alphas too much, I prefer coming in when the game is a little more fleshed out, so I waited a bit.

I am here now playing the game, expect me to post some feedback about my experience with the game. So far I must say I am very impressed! Awesome combat gameplay.

Good a time as any :wink: There’s plenty of fun to be had now and the grapevine has it that the coming months will bring more.

Don’t forget you can disable/enable Veteran mode on the character select screen to increase the challenge/loot, if you didn’t know.

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You may also find these links handy to plan character builds and see what kind of items are available to find.


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Welcome and enjoy the game!

2 handed melee weapons and the completion of Steps of Torment (act 2 challenge dungeon) will be coming out with the next build.

Welcome Back? Anyway new guy here been wanting to get Grim Dawn for awhile now, coming in from D3 ROS not bad but getting boring, and since I heard the Titan Quest Peeps are working on this one I figured to give it a go. So far so good.