Accidentally deleted my savegame

Hey guys, I started playing the game after the latest patch, but I made a horrible mistake.

I wanted to install the game to my SSD and I uninstalled it from my regular hard disc, but accidentally deleted all the save data along with the game.

This is an issue for me, because I don’t have too much time to play and I completed the full quest lines for Old Gods expansion and regular game (Necropolis boss). I was in Gloomdale, level 57.

So my question is, is there a way to manipulate the completed quests etc. trough GD stash, or maybe someone has a save file where they have a character in a similar position, which I can modify to my own trough GD stash or similar tool?

Thank you in advance.

Can try software like Recuva or even Restoration if not much time and IO operations have passed since tragedy.