Acid Inquisitor could (probably) use some help

Now, I know that going acid on Inquisitor is pretty pretentious, but since the game hints at it, I must’ve tried it. Besides, I suck at Infiltrators and can’t make them work properly with pierce/cold.

At any rate, here’s a build I was trying recently: Infiltrator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Why pick Infiltrator for such a build would you ask? Well, apart from above mentioned reason, Amarastan Crusher implies Inquisitor support, although I’m not sure if the purpouse is to use it with cold damage. But cold Infil is boring and I’ve decided to go retard route. Besides, Gulgazor’s amulet was teasing me with its presence for a long while, so there we have this abomination.

Here’s a demonstration of build’s performance in SR 65:

So, in general it’s not too bad for what it is. AoE damage is pretty good, especially with the help of Horn of Gandarr + Tainted Eruption. Single target damage is not the hottest, but that’s to be expected I suppose. Hell, even sheet DPS looks pretty dope:


And yet… builds feels somehow lacking. I even made some half-ass comparison sheet between Occultist and Inquisitor, trying to figure the benefit of picking one over another:

Occultist Inquisitor
acid RR + -
flat damage + +
% damage + +
phys res + +
other res + +
CC resists - +
damage absorb percent flat
healing skill + +
crit damage - +
damage reduction - +

That’s just far as masteries are conserned. Itemization will be slightly different. And to the main point of this topic: the itemization.

Amarastan Crusher gives 10% attack speed and -1 sec to Deadly Aim, meaning you get a damage boost but only ever so often. Blood of Dreeg mod provides permanent 8% AS, and when you couple it with 15% from 12/12 Solael’s Withcfire, you get a significant DPS boost on permanent basis. Additionaly, helmet has 10% acid RR mod to Pox, and Venomlash now has +1 to Occultist.

In order to make Inquisitor somewhat more competetive, I think some small buffs could be made:

  1. Add +1 to Inquisitor on Amarastan Crusher, or at least +2/3 to Inquisitor Seal or Horn of Gandarr.
  2. Increase CDR mod for Deadly Aim to 2 seconds. I was also thinking about 50% phys → acid to Deadly Aim, but that might mess with cold variants I guess, or it may be a bit too good in fact.
  3. Add +2 to Deadly Aim to Mythical Widow’s Sting. This should also synergise well with that Ugdenbog Venom Launcher pistol.
  4. Increase flat acid damage to WoR on Gulgazor’s amulet. Fire → acid conversion on it converts 7 fire damage from Arcane Empowerment and… and uh… stuff? Well, I guess it doesn’t do much after all. Not that I’m againts it, but it’s just not that useful. Acid RoK? Has conduit now. Acid FoI? Need lightning → acid as well, so Acid Purge would be a better fit. Acid Paladin also can’t really make use of it since RF’s transmuter converts fire to vitality.

That about does it, I guess. Or maybe I’m forgetting something, bah… XD

Bonus: two-shot death from Korvaak in main campaign =)



I don’t like armor absorb standing at 92% (IMO needs 100%), a bit low pierce/chaos/acid resist overcap, but other than that, on paper seems pretty solid.

& again that’s how a lot of my build ideas go - on paper godlike, realization shitfest and opposite. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: oh and I like diamonds too, so a diamond on a head could not hurt to place it there.

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Me neither. Guess I’ll actually swap Sanctified Bone with Living Armor. Somehow I figured extra racial damage would be more useful, but you make a good point. As for Diamond, meh, I dunno. Will trigger at the same time as Ghoul, which is kind of a waste IMO. But yes the build could benefit from that extra sturdiness.

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